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Card Magic by Manipulation
by Lewis Ganson


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Card Magic by Manipulation by Lewis Ganson

Excerpt from the introduction:

By much trial and error, made during odd hours over several years, a system for producing fans of cards has been built up gradually—not based on an entirely new principle but consisting of a sequence of moves in which many of the good points of other methods have been gathered together whilst faults have been avoided.

A complete description of my card routine, in which the continuous production of fans of cards forms part, will be given in this book, but before commencing there are certain aspects of the sleight usually known as the “back and front” palm which should be considered. For this reason it is proposed to summarise below the desirable features that we wish to include in our performances and in order that many pitfalls may be avoided, the faults that we wish to eliminate.

  • Chapter One: Some Observations On Card Manipulation
  • Chapter Two: The Preparation Of Cards For Manipulation
  • Chapter Three: The Continuous Production Of Fans Of Cards
  • Chapter Four: The Production Of Single Cards
  • Chapter Five: Manipulation In Gloves
  • Chapter Six: The Card Routine

1st edition 1960, 31 pages; PDF 32 pages.
word count: 10277 which is equivalent to 41 standard pages of text
