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by Shaun Yee

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Cardwitched by Shaun Yee

Excerpt from the foreword:

This is my second book on visual card magic. Like my other book Cards in Action, this book contains completely original sleights, routines and my own handling of some well-known effects.

You will find that most of the material is not too difficult to do, as in most of my card work, I usually employ sleights which are easy and angle-proof. Of course, practise is necessary in order to perform the feats smoothly, faultlessly, and convincingly. Good things never do seem to come easy.

I have included many of my "gems", and I am, of course, justly proud of my creations and variations. Let me share them with you.

  • Foreword
  • The Performance Of Card Magic
  • Sleights
    • The One Handed Toss-Cuts
    • The Toss-Cut Control 1
    • The Toss-Cut Control 2
    • The Somersault-Cuts
    • The Somersault Control
    • The Buckle-To-Bottom Replacement
  • Startling Effects
    • Sim Sala Bim
    • Bewitched
    • The Sympathetic Cards
    • The Cross
    • Turn-About
  • Feature Routines
    • It's A Hopeless Case!
    • A Demonstration In Hallucinations
  • The Aces
    • The Aces' Fairy Tale
    • The Return Of The Aces
    • Another Return Of The Aces
  • Card Fan Effects
    • The Eerie Card Rise
    • Card Rise Finale
    • Bewitched Fans
    • Fan-Flip Revelation

1st edition 1988, 71 pages; PDF 68 pages.
word count: 22927 which is equivalent to 91 standard pages of text

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