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Case File by David Devlin

Every so often a piece of mentalism comes along that is more like a piece of Comedy Theater rather than "just a trick". David Devlin's Case File is a piece of Comedic Mental Theater. It is a murder mystery showpiece. It has three predictions, audience participation, a comedic presentation, and three different methods working together to create a part of your show that will be totally unforgettable!

Here is the routine:

A spectator is brought up on stage, and is given a large folder labeled, "Case File". She is told not to open it, and to keep it safe. The performer now brings up another spectator and draws attention to three "evidence" boxes resting on a table. Each box has a question mark on it. The spectator stands behind the boxes.

Next, five large cards are shown. Each card displays a silly "mug shot" of the ridiculous "suspects". These are placed in a row with the faces toward the audience on a second table. One more spectator is brought up on stage, and is shown a pocket watch. It is opened, and it is shown that by spinning the crown the watch's hands move. The spectator behind the boxes chooses a weapon. The spectator holding the watch selects a time, and the final spectator chooses a suspect.

Now, for the pay-offs. The performer goes over to the spectator who is holding the weapon box. Let's say it is the rubber chicken. Next the "Case File" is opened. An envelope marked, "WEAPON" is removed. It is opened, and inside is a piece of paper that reads, "The murderer committed the crime with a RUBBER CHICKEN!

Another envelope is removed from the "Case File". It is marked "TIME". It is opened; the paper is removed and on the paper is written the exact time that was very randomly chosen by the spectator.

Finally, a third envelope is removed, and it is labeled, "MURDERER". This is opened, and inside is a matching picture of the suspect selected by the spectator, but the picture is altered to make it appear that the suspect is in jail.

  • No gaffs
  • 100% accuracy
  • Comes with the "Mug Shots" and "The Guilty" artwork
  • The murderer can be different every time making this great for repeat performances

1st edition 2016, 22 pages.
word count: 1832 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Comedy Magic