Directly from Devin's show ... if you like effects that can leave an audience in stunned silence, then this is for you.
Telephone tricks were not very practical in the older days, as you had to have a land-line at your shows. Nowadays, almost everyone has a cell phone, so it's easy to do mind-boggling feats at any show. This is direct from my show and is baffling beyond words.
Magician writes on three index cards and hands them to three different people in the audience. These are random people and are not plants. The three people can see what's on the cards, but are asked to not show them to other audience members. The members of the audience hold on to the index cards, for the present time.
A member of the audience who has a cell phone is asked to come forward. No stooge or prearrangements. Assume this is a woman. The lady is asked to call any family member or friend on her phone. She explains she is at a mentalism show to the person she called and says the mentalist wants to try an experiment. Assume the person on the phone is her father.
She hands the phone to the mentalist and he asks the father to name any short word. He then asks him to name a piece of furniture. The magician hands the phone back to the lady. The magician writes the two words on a whiteboard. He then asks the lady to ask her father to name any city in the world. This city too is written on the whiteboard. The lady is told to hang up and return to her seat.
The magician collects the index cards and reads off what he wrote. The words on the card match the words chosen by the person on the phone and match the words written on the whiteboard. No secret writing or pre-show work. No one-ahead or one behind methods are used.
1st edition 2022, PDF 5 pages.
word count: 1088 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text