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by Unknown Mentalist


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4go10Mr.E by Unknown Mentalist

As you can see the title is a fancy way of writing Forgotten Mystery. This is highly effective as a quick opener or as a casual one-off effect. You just need to carry a single double blank card (or just your business card with a blank back) and you are always ready to perform this routine.

You can also perform this as an impossible prediction effect if you want. This routine can also be performed as a totally propless effect if desired.

The effect itself is totally self-working and you can start stunning your participants right after reading this manuscript. An innocent-looking list of 10 words related to mind reading and telepathy like Premonition, Psychometry, Telepathy, etc is used for this effect. The participant freely chooses any word and there is absolutely no force. After a 10-second process, you are able to nail the exact thought of the participant.

Once you understand the core concept, you can yourself create several such high-impact routines. The process is quick and organic. There are no sleights, of course, no pre-show, no stooges, or instant stooges. No dual reality, no anagrams, no equivoque, no multiple outs, no one ahead, no reframes, no peeks, no impressions, and no secret writings, and best of all the method is quick, easy to learn, and highly effective.

You can perform this in close up, parlor, street, stage, virtual shows, and even on a voice phone call.

1st edition 2022, PDF 9 pages.
word count: 2020 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text