The more episode bundles you buy the cheaper they get. For each additional bundle you add to the cart you get a 6% discount on the total. If you buy two bundles you get 6% discount. If you buy three bundles you get 12% discount, four bundles 18% a.s.o. If you would put all 11 episodes into your shopping cart you would get a whooping 60% discount or a total of merely $17.56.
These two episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound.
Island of Disappearing Men (Temple Under the Sea Remake)
This is a retelling on the previous episode Temple Under the Sea (aka The Mystic Past) that has been slightly altered to fit the ABC broadcast format. The linking narratives have changed, for example, as have some of the sound effects and a few of the lines of dialogue to fit the new format of Chandu as more of a spy smashing investigator. It is interesting to note other changes, such as the shift in the nationality of the Consul’s wife.
Originally broadcast 11/26/49
Death in the Golden Horn
An urgent radiogram is dispatched from Istanbul for agent Frank Chandler. When he arrives, all is not well. His old friend Richard Calhoun has been why is there a woman claiming to be his fiancé at his home, seemingly unaware of his death? Add secret files stolen form the Turkish government and mysterious foreign agents to the mix and you have a case only Chandu the Magician can solve.
Originally broadcast 12/03/49