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Chandu: Episodes 17 & 18
by Sam Dann

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Chandu: Episodes 17 & 18 by Sam Dann

The more episode bundles you buy the cheaper they get. For each additional bundle you add to the cart you get a 6% discount on the total. If you buy two bundles you get 6% discount. If you buy three bundles you get 12% discount, four bundles 18% a.s.o. If you would put all 11 episodes into your shopping cart you would get a whooping 60% discount or a total of merely $17.56.

These two episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound.

Frank Chandler returns to his old haunt of Cairo to investigate a flood of counterfeit bills. When an American agent posing as a mobster looking for counterfeit plates disappears, the only person left to bring down the ring is Frank Chandler. Can Chandu’s magic match the viciousness of the counterfeiting gang?

Although this episode, for the second time, promises the next episode will be When the Mummy Walks, the episode does not exist appear to exist (many collectors have this episode mis-marked based on the preview at the end of Terror on the Negev Desert). The series appears to have gone on hiatus until the summer of 1950, without ever broadcasting a mummy episode!

Originally broadcast 12/24/49

Rocket Sabotage
The series resumes with Frank Chandler working in the United States. When US Army armor piercing rockets are sabotaged, Chandu is sent to help. Enlisting the assistance of the least likely intelligence officer in the entire Army, Chandler sets out to catch the saboteurs.

This episodes sets the tone for the rest of the series, which casts Chandu as more of a talented G-man working Stateside and leaves the mysticism of the exotic locales behind. It also continues with more rational explanations for many of Chandu’s feats.

Originally broadcast 07/26/1950