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Chandu: Episodes 7 & 8
by Vera Oldham

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Chandu: Episodes 7 & 8 by Vera Oldham

The more episode bundles you buy the cheaper they get. For each additional bundle you add to the cart you get a 6% discount on the total. If you buy two bundles you get 6% discount. If you buy three bundles you get 12% discount, four bundles 18% a.s.o. If you would put all 11 episodes into your shopping cart you would get a whooping 60% discount or a total of merely $17.56.

These two episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound.

The Temple at Karnak
When the infamous Nazi chemist Bruegmann flees Beirut, Frank Chandler suspects that rumors of a cache of Nazi poison gas near Karnak may be true. Is that where Bruegmann is heading? Fortunately, or unfortunately, Dot and the kids are heading for a tour of the ruins of Karnak! When Chandu’s teacher warns him that those in “the magic circle of his love” are in danger, there is no choice but to head to Karnak and face his destiny!

This episode also introduces how to get the previously promised magic tricks from Chandu’s West Coast sponsor White King Soap. For a White King Soap label and “25 cents in coin” you can mail away to get Chandu’s Magic Money Changer.

Originally broadcast 03/17/49

The Temple Under the Sea (aka The Mystic Past)
This exciting episode begins with Dot having a terrible nightmare. Is her dream tied to Chandler’s latest mission to the island of Ruad to investigate two presumed deaths, including the American consul? Come along has Chandu investigates the cursed home of the American consul and the mystery of the temple under the sea from Dot’s dream.

Is Chandu the only magician in the family or has his sister uncovered her own latent psychic abilities? What is the sinister force that has terrified the wife of the American consul? Find out as Chandu explores the temple under the sea! Also included is a second commercial for Chandu’s Magic Money Changer Trick.

Originally broadcast 03/24/49