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Club 71 - The Magician
Club 71: 1995
Geoff Maltby
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This product is also part of:
Club 71: 1970 - 2007 (all issues)
Issue 74
Members Write. Your chance to have your say about anything on the magic scene.
Problem children. Part 7 of Walt Lees series on the entertainment of children.
Ring the Bell: New cabaret item from Jim Breedon
Variations on a theme by Katherine, including the cig through jacket.
The oh so simple nudist packet by Philip Sweeting
Phil Goldstein with a variation on a Peter Duffie effect.
Simon Lovell with a letter from America
News and reviews in and around the studio conducted by Geoff
David Copperfield at Earls Court London - Ali Cardabra reviews the show
Al Smith discusses 'Doing it by the book'
Subscription information
This years winners of the prize competition
Basic card sleights. This month we discuss aspects of Card Forcing
Part one of an exciting new series of Punch and Judy by Prof. Glyn Edwards
Brand new competition is announced - with prizes. Your chance to become rich & famous
'You Dirty Rat' mental line taken by Mike Hopley
Issue 75
So you want to be a Children's Entertainer by Walt Lees. Part 10 - Choosing & Using Assistants.
Dont you hate it when they say....? The amusing, and philosophical musings of Malcolm Yaffe.
The Phantom of the forehead. Clever new card magic from Steve Jones.
Gypsey Diary. Ingenious mentalism from Arun Bonerjee (India).
Subscription Information and details
Ali Cardabra. Silk through Table.
News & Reviews in and around the studio conducted by Geoff
Punch & Judy part 2 by Prof Glyn Edwards.
Unclassified ads. Your place to buy sell or swop
The Phantom at the lecture. Al Smith
Basic Card sleights. This month we consider the Magician's Choice.
Threaded Needles. Another devilish confection from resident genius, Barrie Richardson.
Subscription roundup
Pleasures to come. What to look forward to in the next issue.
Issue 76
Flushed with Success by Robert Gardener
Subscription Information How to keep it coming
So you want to be a Children's Entertainer? More on the subject of Assistants
Little Mouse by Steve Jones for the very young
Where's the catch? by Graham S. Clarke
Letters to the Editor. Your chance to have your say - Bouquets and Brickbats equally welcome.
Clowning Around for Children by Keith Downes
Monge Shuffle Card Revelation by Werner Miller
1995 Queen Elizabeth 2 Magic Cruise reviewed by Aidan Heritage
Simon Says. Simon has recently had a car accident and recounts the detail and its effect on his philosophy
News & Reviews. Geoff keeps you up to date with the very latest from the Studio and on board Queen Elizabeth 2!
Ghost Weld by Ali Cardabra
Time Will Tell - clever card magic from Ron Escott
Barrie Richardson with 'The Mentalist's Watch'
Competition details - How to become modestly Rich & slightly Famous!
P&J by Prof. Glyn Edwards with the low down on the Swazzle
Al Smith muses from his window on the subject of formulas
Basic Card Technique continues with Psychological forces.
Issue 77
How to be a Kids' Entertainer Part 12. An important series by Walt Lees
Basic Card Technique. This month we discuss 'Positional Forces'.
WalleTranspo - Further original card magic from the prolific Phil Goldstein
Competition. Your chance to be rich and famous!
Punch & Judy Part 4 by Prof. Glyn Edwards.
Club Subscription information. How to maintain the flow of issues!
News & Reviews in and around the studio
Trevor Lewis with a clever new presentation for the Brema nut
New For Old - FAT CHANCE by Ali Cardabra
The Back Window. Interesting thoughts and musings from Al Smith
Two Sided Thought Transmission Knockout mentalism by Barrie Richardson
Letters. Your turn to have your say.
The Cards Never Lie. Strong & visual card magic suitable for table hopping!
Issue 78
Mt. Kenya Paradox. Original Card Mentalism from resident genius Barrie Richardson.
So you want to bo a Children's Entertainer. This series by Walt Lees continues by discussing the points to consider regarding the length of your show.
The Crooked Deck and some very clever uses by Steve Jones.
Letters: Your chance to dish out the Bouquets and Brickbats
News & Reviews in and around the Studio with Geoff Maltby
Simon Says: The Lovell Lemming is on the mend and continues his column
Web Wizardry: There is a lot of magic out there on the Information Superhighway. Are you connected?
Al Smith muses If only we could train Magicians to behave like laymen.
Successful Punch and Judy. Professor Glyn Edwards considers the practicalities back-stage.
Magic In The Comedy Clubs. Professional Keith Fields tells all.
Basic Card Sleights & Techniques: The series continues as we discuss positional forces.
Competition: How you can enter and be in line for fame and fabulous prizes!
Issue 79
PART 14 of the way to be a Professional children's entertainer.
ROSE OPENER Steve Jones clever Ribbon to rose.
MAGIC IN THE COMEDY CLUBS. The second in Keith Field's series.
COMPETITION. Your chance to be rich and famous beyond your wildest dreams!
THREE PILES REPEAT - Brand new fooler from Kennedy Smith.
PUNCH & JUDY. Part 6 in this popular series
NEW & REVIEWS in and around the studio with Geoff
SIMON SAYS - Special Christmas article from our very own recovering Lemming.
BASIC CARD SLEIGHTS - continues with Fred Robinson's Force
THE IMPOSSIBLE KNOT. A non mental effect from our resident guru, Barrie Richardson
LETTERS. Your chance to have your say, be it comment, bouquet or brickbat.
THE FACELESS MAGICIAN. Dr. Rodney King and an aspect of body language of extreme value and importance to the performing magician
CARDS IN CLOSE-UP MAGIC by Peter Blanchard
TREASURE ISLAND - a just chance routine for children from Keith Downs
word count: 136138 which is equivalent to 544 standard pages of text
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