Geoff Maltby
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If you are Geoff Maltby, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
This is a biting parody of the UK magic magazine Budget, the organ of the British Ring of the IBM. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues in 1989. To understand all the fun they are poking at you will have to have read some of the Budget issues.
16 pages
This is a parody of an IBM convention program. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues in 1991. If you have attended your fair share of conventions you will probably laugh a lot. I am not sure why this is in particular targeted at the IBM. Less than well organized conventions are not limited to any organization.
20 pages
Club 71 magazine ran from 1970 to 2007, with a break from 1978 to 1984, and was produced by Geoff Maltby the owner of Repro Magic (UK). [The name 'Repro' comes from the fact that Maltby started out selling REPROductions of magic posters, at a time when posters were hard to come by and very expensive.] For most of the time Walt Lees was the editor. In its later years it changed its name to The Magician. The total run consists of 193 issues, almost 14,000 pages, plus a parody of Abracadabra magazine.
Due to its irregular publishing schedule, name change, format change and five-year publication pause early in its existence, it was impossible to find someone with a full run. This digital version was assembled from three different partial collections. This also means...
Issues 14-17
14 issues, the first period of Club 71 before its 6 year hiatus.
[Note: There is one small error in the numbering of issues which started later in the life of Club 71. When we trace back issue numbers we see that we have to start with issue #0 rather than #1 to make everything consistent.