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Clue and other Mysteries
by Jack Yates


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

Clue and other Mysteries by Jack Yates

Jack Yates is renowned as a creative innovator as evidenced by his many contributions to magical literature. This work contains nine first-class routines with a mental flavour including Clue which is worth its weight in gold and the P&S System.


  • Monty: Three spectators choose one card each and then exchange them so that no one has his original selection. Despite this you are able to tell each spectator the identity of the card he now holds.
  • Spy Story: A spectator's selected card is revealed when the performer magically decodes a secret message.
  • Choice: A spectator chooses one of twelve objects. You don't see him do this but you are always able to tell him which object he chose. This can be immediately repeated with a second spectator and a different object.
  • I Yates: The performer gives the spectator an I Ching reading and manages to predict whatever the fates have in store for her.
  • Winston: A spectator is handed a small envelope which he places in his pocket. From a shuffled deck a card is freely selected. The envelope is opened and inside is a duplicate of the spectator's selected card.
  • P & S System: A system for simulated mindreading.
  • Magi: A self-working effect with four cards bearing the letters M, A, G, I.
  • Revelation ESP: Five spectators are asked to merely think of an ESP symbol. Without looking at the faces of any of the cards the performer is able to identify each mentally chosen symbol in a very convincing manner.
  • Clue: The professor has invited six guests to a dinner party. They are a strange group of people. Three of the guests have histories of brain damage which prevents them being able to answer any questions honestly. In other words they cannot help but lie. The remaining three have just the opposite affliction; when questioned they cannot help but tell the truth no matter how unpleasant the consequences for themselves. It was during the dinner party that the lights suddenly failed and in the darkness the professor was fatally stabbed. The lights come on again and the horrified guests discover the professor's body, his head face down in the mashed potatoes. In no time at all the world's greatest detective is on the scene. He discovers the strange malady that affects the guest but who is who? The detective, whose name I omitted, is yourself and with the aid of six spectators you reconstruct the case and uncover the murderer.
  • Last Words

1st edition 1986, 57 pages.
word count: 12976 which is equivalent to 51 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Joe Mckay
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 08 February, 2017

Here is what David Acer said about the book on the GENII Forum (back in 2002):

"Its a shame that Martin Breese's books don't get around more in North America. After having read (and enjoyed) David Britlands EQUINOX, I decided to explore some other Breese publications, starting with Jack Yates, CLUE, AND OTHER MYSTERIES. This little collection contains some wonderful material that actually reminds me of Barrie Richardson's work. The opening trick, "Monty," is an absolute killer: three spectators each choose a card, then exchange them so that no one has his original selection, whereupon you tell each spectator the identity of his card! And bear in mind, the cards are not marked, and you don't watch as the exchanges are made!

The title trick ("Clue") is also excellent (trivia break: Can you cite two other magic books that were named after a title trick?). One of 6 spectators secretly chooses a black poker chip among five whites, and is thus deemed "the murderer" at a mystery party. All six chips are freely chosen, and you really have no idea who picked the black one, yet you are instantly able to determine which of the six audience members committed the murder. If I were doing "Killer Red Caps", I'd be inclined to replace it with this trick immediately."


As for my thoughts?

It is a small book and worth getting.

The material reminds me a bit of Lewis Jones, Bob Hummer and Stewart James. What you are getting here is clever thinking that is buried away in the methods. This is mentalism that relies on hidden logical principles. As opposed to gimmicks or clever bluffs. Still - at least it makes use of logical principles as opposed to mathematical principles, since I find most mathematical magic to be pretty weak. So at least you don't have to worry about that here.

My favourite trick is the 'P&S System'. It is a new principle and for me the book is worth it just for that. You have 6 cards in unmarked envelopes and the spectator freely chooses one for you and one for him. And you are able to divine the one he chose thanks to the new principle Jack Yates managed to uncover. Very smart stuff.

You can't go wrong with this one.


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Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

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