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Cold Reading the Future with Numerology
by Richard Webster

#2 Marketing, Selling & Business Matters author
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Cold Reading the Future with Numerology by Richard Webster

This ebook teaches you how to use basic numerology to give your clients a reading about the trends of their life. Richard usually gives his clients detailed information about the next twelve months plus the trends for the next five years. This system also enables you to answer your client's questions about the future, such as "Will I be happy?", "Will my marriage last?", and "Should I change job?" These are typical questions that psychics are regularly asked. This book will help you predict the trends in your client's lives and provide satisfactory answers to their questions about the future.

Numerology is one of the simplest divination systems, and all you need to know are the full names and dates of birth of your clients.

A bonus booklet called You and Your Lucky Numbers is included, and you have Richard's permission to reprint it or use it in any other way you wish, with your name listed as the author.


  • Introduction
  • The Basic Information
  • What will Next Year be Like?
  • The Pyramids
  • Cycles of Experience
  • Seriously Getting into the Future
  • The Life Cycle
  • Conclusion
  • Suggested Reading
  • Bonus Extra: You and Your Lucky Numbers

1st edition 1988, PDF 57 pages.
word count: 22576 which is equivalent to 90 standard pages of text