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by Daniel Madison

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Collateral by Daniel Madison

Collateral contains 12 new effects of magic and sleight of hand from leading underground magician Daniel Madison. Including a powerful transposing Torn & Restored card, two brand new Color Changes, and what is being deemed in the industry as "the best card blister effect ever."

Trip Signed - Torn - Transpo - Restored
A card is taken from the deck and folded in half. Half of the card is signed by the spectator. The other half is signed by the performer. The card is torn in half and the spectators half is placed in the spectators hand. The other half - signed by the performer - is waved above the spectators signed half - face-up. The half instantly and visually becomes the spectators half. The spectators half is then shown to be the performers half. The two halves are then taken and slowly restored.

Transtorn Single Card Torn and Transposed
A card is chosen and lost in the deck. Another card is taken and torn in half - face-up. Half by half the card changes into the selection.

Vantage Visual Color-Change - Inside the Box
A deck is introduced that has a hole torn out of the back of the box through which the cards, or at least the bottom card can be identified. The cards are removed and the hole is inspected. A card is selected, signed and returned to the deck. The cards are shuffled and placed back into the box; the card seen through the hole is not the spectator's selection. The performer simply waves his hand over the hole causing the card inside to visually change into the signed selected card. The box is instantly passed to the spectator for inspection.

A card is introduced that is completely bound by tape. A card is freely selected. The selected card is slammed against the bound card. The selected card is then shown to have penetrated the tape to become bound with the bound card. The bound cards are then instantly handed out for inspection and can be kept by the spectator.

Delusion Color Change
A card is placed face down in the performers hand. When it is turned face up the card has changed. Both hands are shown empty with only one card in hand.

Overkill Spectator deals the predicted card
A prediction is written and the deck is handed to the spectator. The spectator is handed the deck and asked to deal any card from anywhere in the deck. The prediction is turned over, the card is turned over...a perfect prediction is revealed.

Infliction The first ever self contained blister effect
A card is freely selected and returned to the deck. The performer asks the spectator to light their lighter. The performer hands the deck to the spectator and holds two fingers in the flame of the lighter. The light is extinguished leaving the performer with a blister on both fingers which are in the shape of the selected card - a 2 on one finger and a heart on the other.

Boxer an Impromptu Signed Card to Box
A freely selected and signed card penetrates an empty and closed card box three times under impossible circumstances.

Fan Change a Color Change that Happens on Top of a Fanned Deck
A card is turned face up on top of the deck. The performer fans the deck, at which point the face up card instantly changes.

Enemy Color Change - Vanish - Switch
A selected card is placed on top of the deck overlapping the deck. The card is turned over and shown to have changed. Vanished. Switched.

All of the spades are taken from the deck and ribbon spread. A card is selected from the deck. The performer claims that he will not only vanish the selected card but every card from that suit. The deck is spread to show only clubs and diamonds. The ribbon spread spades is closed and spread to show only clubs and diamonds. The ribbon spread spades is closed and spread once again to reveal a consecutive spread of spades and hearts with one card in the middle face down...the selected card.

Half Triumph an Inversion Triumph
With a signed selected card protruding the deck, the performer is able to make the deck turn face up without causing the selected card to move. He repeats this causing the deck to turn face down, once again the selected card doesn't move. The deck is then split and mixed up. half of the deck face up and half face down with the selected card somewhere in the middle. The cards are then spread to show only one card face down...the selected card.

1st edition 2009; 37 pages; 156 illustrations.
word count: 11189 which is equivalent to 44 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Torn and Restored