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Colombini FISM Lecture Notes
by Aldo Colombini

#1 in Italian (italiano) author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Cards author
#3 Magic & Mentalism author

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Colombini FISM Lecture Notes by Aldo Colombini

These are the lectures notes for a lecture Aldo gave at FISM.

Tip Top: the magician displays several cards bearing pictures of clowns, having different colored noses. A spectator selects a clown and the performer is seen to have the same colored clown nose... on his nose!

Poppy: a knot, tied in the middle of a piece of white rope, slides to one end, then the other; then change color. The different colored knot slides along the rope several times; the knot is then untied and seen to actually be a two inch section of the white rope.

Hit: method to tie two quick slip knots, one with each hand.

Slip: a knot slides along the rope and finally flies off the rope!

Trio: a length of rope is cut into three pieces, resulting in a short, a medium and a long piece. The ropes become magically each the same length. They are then knotted, the knots eventually disappear becoming one long length.

Quarters: the performer makes a prediction using a jumbo card. He then mixes a pack of cards which consists of several jumbo cards cut into quarters. Four face down quarters are selected and turned face up to show they form a single card, except for one corner. When the magician shows the prediction it too has a mismatched corner.

Gimmick: four small coins are arranged in a square. The coins are covered with playing cards. One by one three coins are vanished and found beneath the fourth card. The coins are instantly back at the four corners of the square.

Jumbo: a spectator selects a card and replaces it. The performer produces the selected card in a spectacular way. At the end the four Aces appear.

Twist: the performer shows five cards with animals printed on them. A spectator selects a card and the performer blows up a balloon. Behind his back the performer twists the balloon and bringing it into view it is seen to be a dog. The selected card shows a dog.

Blow: the performer shows a plastic bag full of balloons, together with a rope with four balloons tied on it (say: red, blue, green and yellow). A spectator selects a balloon from the bag and one of the same color flies away from the rope.

1st digital edition 2017, 22 pages.
word count: 4759 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text