This house organ ran from May 1919 until February 1940. Each issue had 8 pages and was mostly filled with ads for items Hutchinson retailed. However most issues also included a trick contribution or effect (see below for the list of contents). The most interesting contribution is Graham Adams' Card Work, a series of his favorite effects, moves and in particular his take and fondness of Erdnase.
- Volume 1
- The Evolution of the Flags / Wilford Hutchinson
- The "C.H." Sympathetic Blocks / Cecil Heygate
- The Mysterious Glass Frames (stage illusion) / B. Wayre
- The "Flu" Trick / Jas. H. Smith (The Naval Wizard)
- Flying Colours / Joe Turner
- A Silk Transposition / W. J. Atkinson
- Patter for the Flying Colours / Joe Turner
- Another Sympathetic Block Trick / W. J. Atkinson
- The Flowers of Peace / W. J. Atkinson
- A Use for the Drum Head Tube / J. Gambling
- The Flowers of Peace (continued) / W. J. Atkinson
- The C.W.S. Trick / Wilford Hutchinson
- Biographical for Professor Hoffmann (Angelo Lewis)
- In Appreciation of Prof. Hoffmann / Percy Naldrett
- A Combination Four-Ace Trick / W. J. Atkinson
- A Light Hem, or Shot Silk / Jas. H. Smith
- How to Write a Book on Magic
- The "Picnic" Problem / Will Fleet
- Volume 2
- Cards & Coincidence / Professor Edwards
- A "Novel" Competition
- Two Card Effects / Will Fleet
- The Passe Passe Silks and Paper Cones / W. J. Atkinson
- A Suggestion / B. Wayre
- The Spirit Card and Candle / W. J. Atkinson
- The Phoenix Bags
- The "Well I Never!" Card Trick
- A Bran, Silk and Borrowed Ring Combination / W. J. Atkinson
- A Novel "Flag" Effect / Wilford Hutchinson
- The Knife Between the Cards / Arthur Ainslie
- An Appreciation of the late Maurice Garland / Harry Leat
- Nursery Rhymes and Magic / W. H. Eyles
- London's First Society of Magicians / Harry Leat
- Nursery Rhymes and Magic / W. H. Eyles
- A Lesson in Magic / Margaret Mackay
- Volume 3
- The Coin, Postal Order, and Nest of Boxes / Tom Burnett
- Be Topical! / Percy Naldrett
- The Sagacious Card / Margaret Mackay
- Another "Cards through Hank" / T. W. Heaton
- A Sucker Gag with the Rings / H. A. Mills
- Be Topical! / B. Wayre
- A "Charm" Combination (No. 1) / Wilford Hutchinson
- My First Trick / B. Wayre
- A "Charm" Combination (No. 2) / Wilford Hutchinson
- A "Charm" Combination (No. 3) / H. Robbins
- Two Charm Combinations / Will Fleet
- Nursery Rhymes and Magic "Jack & Jill" / W. H. Eyles
- The Vanishing Dove / Laurence Glen
- "Ten Little Nigger Boys" Card Trick / C. H. Tickell
- Tricks with the "Zelka" Hat Fake / Percy Naldrett
- Volume 4
- Spellit! / C. H. Tickell
- "Charming Designs" of the Council of the Magic Circle
- The Carpet Clock / Margaret Mackay
- Cards and a Hat / H. M.
- The Okito Tumbler Fake / Wilford Hutchinson
- A Telepathic Card Effect
- Patter for "Charm" Combination No. 1 / B. Wayre
- The Radio Silks / R. R. Pillinger
- Patter for Charm Combination No. 2 / B. Wayre
- The Mystery of the Cheese! / Wilfred Leyland
- "Greens" a Comedy Effect / Wilford Hutchinson
- The Candle, Cracker and Postal Order Effect / Wilford Hutchinson
- A Novel way of Producing a Silk / Wilfrid O. Y. Morel
- The late Jardine Ellis / Percy Naldrett
- The Hypnotized Cards / Arthur Ainslie
- Flash Paper Ideas / Percy Naldrett
- Volume 5
- Patter for the Mystic Book, or a Giddy Knight / Harry Leat
- An Easy Spirit Calculation Effect / W. H. Eyles
- The Multiplying Coin / Wilfrid O. J. Morel
- Nursery Rhymes & Magic, "Little Miss Muffet" / W. H. Eyles
- The Magical Mascot / S. H. Sharpe
- The "Kard" and "Kones" / Karnac the Kard Konjurer
- The Association of Ceylon Magicians / R. J. Arnolda
- The Burnt & Restored Paper / Wilfrid O. J. Morel
- Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son / W. H. Eyles
- Dove Pan and Nest of Boxes / Wilford Hutchinson
- A Cut and Restored Ribbon / N. E. Body
- The Magician / Percy Naldrett
- Volume 6
- Shooting through a Lady / Karnac
- Maskelyne's Magic Revue - "Hey, Presto!"
- The Eggs-traordinary Combination / Herco
- The Great Kismet and Lady. Egyptian Magician (Tivoli Theatre Dublin)
- "The Lucky Horseshoe" Charm Silk Effect / Wilford Hutchinson
- One Thing and Another / Percy Naldrett
- The Flag Cards and Dyeing Silks / Wilford Hutchinson
- The Goddess of Luck and some Matches / De Vega
- An Open Letter to Mr. Brunel White / Harry Leat
- The Matrimonial Problem
- The Climax Card Experiment / W. J. Atkinson
- A Simple Silken Stunt / Percy Naldrett
- Incandescent Magic / Reg. Cuthbert
- Volume 7
- The New Ray / Arthur Buckle
- The Seven Ages / J. J. Shepherd
- "Moses Inn" - a Card Tale / Baffles Brush
- The Rosy Ribbon / J. J. Shepherd
- Soap Bubbles
- The Evolution of - The Golliwog / Arthur Buckle
- Cross Words, and the Thinkamatterphone / Arthur Buckle
- The Late Charles J. Hagen
- Jack and the Beanstalk / Arthur Buckle
- The Toy Soldier / Will Fleet
- "Andrew's" Pocket - Matter through Matter / A. Lysander
- A Ring Mystery / Arthur Buckle
- The "Insolvable" Card Discovery / Dleisfén
- The Teletransport Cards / Arthur Buckle
- "Jarrow" at Alhambra Theatre
- Volume 8
- The "Rem" Card Transformation / Dleisfén
- Cigarette Detection / Dleisfén
- Card Manufacture / Dleisfén
- With a Bluff Watch / Hugh Mackay
- Volume 9
- A New "Spelling Bee" with a Surprise finish / Graham Adams
- The Bottles of Wine Match Puzzle / Jack Le Dair
- Production of Cards at Finger-Tips / Graham Adams
- A Ring and String Effect / C. H. Dewey
- Another Way of Working "Milk-Eau" / W. J. Atkinson
- A Quart of Milk in an Ounce Vial / Graham Adams
- The Spirit Telephone / Arthur Buckle
- An Opening Wand Combination / Arthur Buckle
- Volume 10
- The Lady and the Flower / Walter Geary
- A Surprize Opening / Graham Adams
- The Regina of the Ancients - a card story / J. Langan
- Volume 11
- Sir Oracle and the Spirit Slate / J. Langan
- My Favourite Tricks / Graham Adams
- A Nap Routine / Graham Adams
- Volume 12
- Mr. Henpecked's Flight / George Blake
- The Elusive Buttons / Cyro
- A Book Test / A. De Brett
- Volume 13
- Ventriloquial Wedges: No. 1 "After the Examination" / Jack Le Dair
- Ventriloquial Wedges: No. 2 "How to become a Detective" / Jack Le Dair
- How To Play Nap / Graham Adams
- Ventriloquial Wedges: No. 2 (continued) / Jack Le Dair
- Volume 14
- Ventriloquial Wedges: No. 2 (continued) / Jack Le Dair
- With the Drum-Head Tube / Wilford Hutchinson
- A Method for Passing Cards into Envelope previously Sealed by Audience / J. S. Eacott
- Volume 15
- Lost and Restored / Charles Day
- Finish to the Dove Pan / The Great Lavilette
- Little Red Riding Hood - Story Magic suitable for Children's Shows / Wilford Hutchinson
- Sing a Song of Six-pence / Wilford Hutchinson
- Mickey Mouse / Will Blyth
- The Throw Pass / S. H. Sharpe
- The Fairy Fantasy / Wilford Hutchinson
- Graham Adams' Card Work: Preface
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Deal from the Bottom of the Pack
- This Conjuring / Wilfrid Jonson
- Volume 16
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- Another Cut and Restored Ribbon / Dan Bellman
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Card on the Arm
- A Simplified Card Effect / Dan Bellman
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Card in the Cigarette
- Ding Dong Bell / Wilford Hutchinson
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- A Smoking Lesson / Lawrence
- Graham Adams' Card Work: Any Card Called for from the Pockets
- Volume 17
- Chinese Wonder Screens / John K. Bays
- Graham Adams' Card Work: A Card Discovery
- Graham Adams' Card Work: Ne Plus Ultra
- A Pretty Silk Penetration / John K. Bays
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Triangle
- A Silly Symphony / J. K. Bays
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The "Whisper" Trick
- A Chinese Opening / John K. Bays
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Jumping Jacks
- With the Sand Frame / Seyab
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Cut Card Revealed
- Original Lit Cigarette Production / Seyab
- Volume 18
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- Broadcasting for Two / J. Whitehead
- Graham Adams' Card Work: You Do As I Do
- A Mental Card Effect / Dan Bellman
- A Unique Film Mystery / John K. Bayes
- Graham Adams' Card Work: Methods of Determining a Card Thought of
- A Comedy Opening / J. K. Bays
- An Appreciation of Will Blyth / Percy Naldrett
- A Cigarette Packet Effect / Ken Bays
- Graham Adams' Card Work: A Card Combination
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Boomerang Card
- Coronation Paper Tearing / Arthur Buckle
- Graham Adams' Card Work: Accompanied by the Joker
- The Penetrating Nail / J. K. Bays
- Volume 19
- Chiffrenom / Stanley Collins
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- The Nine of Diamonds / Wilford Hutchinson
- Graham Adams' Card Work: The Late Tom Fagan, and a Card Vanish
- Good Night - effect with lexicon cards / J. R. Buscal
- Graham Adams' Card Work: Two Sleights and an Effect
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- Wrinkles / J. B. Glover
- The Tarot in Practice / George Blake
- Volume 20
- Little Snow White / J. R. Buscal
- The Water Vase / Arthur Buckle
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- Production from Chocolate Box / F. S. Danks
- The "G.E.S." Finish to the Torn and Restored Card / George E. Smith
- Vice-Versa / George E. Smith
- Hagen's Wrinkle to the Torn Card Effect
- Graham Adams' Card Work (continued)
- Changing Colour Cubes / George Hutchinson
- Volume 21
- Topical Magic / Wilford Hutchinson
- Graham Adams' Card Work: A Variation in the Diagonal Palm Shift
- The G.E.S. Four Ace Location / George E. Smith
- Little Red Riding Hood / Wilford Hutchinson
1st edition 1919-1940, 1200 pages.
word count: 381484 which is equivalent to 1525 standard pages of text