This is a collection of the first two volumes of The Conjuring Record from April 1913 to February 1915. The first issue, March 1913 is missing.
From Volume 1, Number 7, through Volume 2, Number 3, this was the official publication of the National Conjurers' Association.
The March 1914 issue has a supplement with a number of interesting photos of performers not that often seen depicted: Hagen, Fricke, Kennedy, Simms, Oakley, Wilcox, Hubbard, Lohrey, Garrett, Dresbach, Karmont, Shambo, Halley, Schreck, Karland, Yeakel, Foster, Vardome, ..., and a photo of the Power's Magic Store.
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 2 - April 14, 1913 - 4 pages
- photo - V. K. Allen
- Editorial
- The Money and Orange Trick
- The March Sphinx
- Magical Notes
- An Idea in Ventriloquism
- The Disappearing Deck of Cards
- A Home-Made Pull
- note about De Land
- joke
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 3 - May 14, 1913 - 4 pages
- Editorial
- A New Water and Wine Experiment
- jokes
- The April Sphinx
- note on sealing a pack of cards
- Prize Contest
- Magical Notes
- joke
- Novel Ball Production
- A Production Wand
- Cards Appearing in a Hat
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 4 - June 14, 1913 - 6 pages
- Logical Moves in Magic
- A Novel Introduction
- Editorial
- The Vanishing Water
- The Right Spirit
- A Simple Swallowing-Wand
- The Disappearing Pencil
- jokes
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Magical Notes
- Are You Aware if the Fact - tips
- National Conjurers' Association Meeting
- poem - V.K.A.
- An Aid to Vanishing - Lionel T. Bonner
- The Elusive Cylinder
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 5 - July 14, 1913 - 6 pages
- Proper "Patter"
- Latest Vanishing Cigarette
- Editorial
- Just a Word
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- The Changing Handkerchiefs
- New Truck Escape
- New Vanishing Coin
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Magical Notes
- Circulating Currency - C. T. Hubbard
- jokes
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 6 - August 14, 1913 - 6 pages
- Magicians of Note
- photo - Dr. Albert M. Wilson
- photo - Adrian Plate
- Editorial
- Important Change - re: price increase
- [With the Press] - notes on magazines
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Is Magic on a Decline?
- New Vanishing Wand
- The N.C.A. Show
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 7 - September 14, 1913 - 6 pages
- Magicians of Note, No. 2
- photo - Clarence T. Hubbard
- photo - Carl. S. Lohrey
- Editorial
- Editor's Note - official organ of the National Conjurers' Association
- With the Press - notes on magazines and books
- Notice - sale
- Magical Notes
- A Telepathy Act
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Fisher's [sic] Cavern Mystery
- The Restored Handkerchief
- For the Ventriloquist - Barry
- Notice - lost issues
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 8 - October 14, 1913 - 6 pages
- Magicians of Note, Number Three
- photo - Harry G. Arbuckle
- photo - Julius Dresbach
- Editorial
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- A Water-Wine Variation
- Magical Notes
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- The Six Pile Trick
- Another Method
- Enchanted Tissue Paper
- notes from the editor
- Notice - sale
- Parlour Telepathy - Barry
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 9 - November 14, 1913 - 6 pages
- Magicians of Note, No. 4
- photo - Sheldon Simms
- Acknowledgement
- Editorial
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Announcement
- poem - Hello, Uncle Feelix!
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Pocket Trick No. 1
- Alma Mater
- N.C.A. Notes
- Helpful Hints for Magicians - Sheldon Simms
- Introduction
- A Lightning Vanish
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 10 - December 14, 1913 - 8 pages - Christmas Number
- The Season's Greetings
- An Effective Move
- Editorial
- Concrete Facts
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Something Really New
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Pocket Trick No. 2
- An Odd Sleight
- Fischer's Pagoda Illusion
- N.C.A. Show Great Success
- N.C.A. Notes
- Helpful Hints for Magicians - Sheldon Simms
- Packing Your Glassware
- A New Final for the Miser's Dream
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 11 - January, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo - Mr. George Schulte
- Editorial
- Coming! - re: The Anniversary Number
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- An Idea for the Linking Rings - Barry
- Sheldon Simms Elected President N. C. A.
- Magical Notes from the N. C. A. and Other Sources
- An Eminent Conjuror - re: C. H. Charlton
- A Neat Combination - S. Leo Horowitz
- Helpful Hints for Magicians - Sheldon Simms
- To Make That "Hank" Roll Up
- The Vanishing Glass of Wine
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 1, Number 12 - February 14, 1914 - 8 pages
- An Interesting Picture - photo of C. H. Charlton at Prof. Anderson's Grave
- Season Good in the West
- The Editor's Column
- With the Press - notes on magazines and books
- Skill vs. Deception
- N.C.A. Recorder Out This Month
- Directory of N.C.A. Officials
- N.C.A. Notes
- Editor's Note - re: March issue
- For the Ventriloquist - P. F. Byrd
- Caught in the act - jokes
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Pagoda Illusion Explained
- A Good Substitute for a Table - Sheldon Simms
- Helpful Hints for Magicians - Sheldon Simms
- Vanishing Bowl of Water from a Tray
- Announcement - Editor
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 1 - March, 1914 - 16 pages - Anniversary Number
- Our New Policy
- First Annual Dinner of Magicians' Club in London
- Ching Ling Soo Gets Twenty Weeks English Time
- Continued Activity in the West
- The Editor's Column
- Doomed - re: exposers
- Magic in the Eastern States
- Doings, Activities and General News of the National Conjurers' Association
- picture supplement
- Officers N.C.A.
- Wilcox
- C. T. Hubbard
- At Powers' Magic Store, N.Y.
- C. S. Lohrey
- C. J. Hagen, Treas. N.C.A.
- Dr. A. M. Wilson, editor of The Sphinx
- S. Leo Horowitz
- Will Goldston
- Al Baker
- Geo. E. Closson
- "Garrett"
- Julius Cresbach
- Prof. Mayo, Chairman B. of M.
- Karmont
- Harry Kellar (drawing)
- Mildred and Rouclere
- C. H. Charlton
- "Shambo"
- "Halley"
- J. W. Schreck
- The Great Karland
- Herr J. Teakel
- Foster and Varadome
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- The Traveling Cards
- One on Mr. Know-It-All
- Joseph Klein's New Catalog Just Off the Press
- Concerning the Picture Supplement
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- A New Effect for the Ventriloquist
- Helpful Hints for Magicians - Sheldon Simms
- Home Made Wands - Fancy Wands
- A Wand For the Rising Card Trick
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 2 - April, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo - Prof. Kratky Baschik
- Powers to Have Large New Quarters May 1
- General News of the Profession in the East
- Thurston to Play New York City Next Week
- "Great Rhynata" Arrested in Connection with Robbery
- The Editor's Column
- Hardeen Takes Plunge in Foaming Lager
- New Chinese Magician with Barnum & Bailey
- "Movies" May Get Mme. Adelaide Herrmann
- Roland Travis & Co. - A New Act Worth While
- Anna Eva Fay Surprises Indianapolis Audience
- A New Method for an Old Trick - Jaques Porter
- Rhode Island Local No. 2, N. C. A., Have Visitors' Seance
- New Vanishing Glass of Water - P. B. des Rochers
- N. C. A. Notes
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- A Phantom Fly-Away
- A Few Hints and Notes
- Business in West Slack for Past Two Weeks
- Query Department
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Magischer Zirkel, Hamburg Holds Annual Entertainment
- Thurston Scoring Big Hit in Patterson, N.J.
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson 1 - Vanishing Small Objects
- Helpful Hints for Magicians - Sheldon Simms
- That change Tube Clip for the Chair Back
- Table Tops and Rims
- An Aid to the Coffee and Milk Trick
- A False Finger and Hank Pull
- Up-To-Date - Bradley M. Fischer
- To Keep Apparatus in Good Condition
- Louis C. Haley's Book Selling Fast
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 3 - May, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo - Kratky Baschik performing the Pepper Ghost Illusion
- Conjuring Record Resigns as Official Organ of N. C. A.
- Former Magician Star in New Musical Comedy
- photo - Photograph of Kratky Baschik used in his programs
- Obituary - Felix Berol
- The Editor's Column
- Van Hoven Producing New Act for Next Season
- Mr. David Devant Here for Short Visit
- Claude Golden a Brilliant Surprise in New York
- National Conjurors' Association Notes
- Such is Life in New York for a Mystifier
- Mysterious Evelyn - A New Act Produced in New York
- Re Candle Divination - Clarence T. Hubbard
- Trick Ventriloquism - P. F. Byrd
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Lighted Candle Production
- Candle from Mouth
- Fischer's Papel Blanco Trick
- Notes
- Query Department
- Professional Notes From the Other Side
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson II - Coin Palming
- The Regulation Palm
- The Finger Snap
- The Finger Palm
- Palming Apparatus
- Profession Bust in the West and Toward the Coast
- Thurston at Germantown; Other News in the East
- Thurston Draws Crowds at West End Theatre New York
- Sylvian's Ventriloquial Figures Highly Recommended
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 4 - June, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo - Harry Kellar & Ching Ling Foo
- Mercedes Challenges Sir Conan Doyle
- S. A. M. Have Annual Dinner; Many Present
- Yost & Co. Veterans in the Trade Merges with Powers
- The Editor's Column
- photo - Tenth Annual Dinner Society of American Magicians
- Mysterious Dean and Frank de Voie Join Forces
- Dr. Homburger Elected President S. A. M. - Other Officers Chosen
- Little Pick-Ups at the S. A. M. Dinner
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Simple Changing Cards
- A Card Problem
- Notes
- Confederate of Herrman [sic] The Great
- New Chinese act to be Imported Next Season
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson III [Handkerchiefs]
- To Roll or Wind the Handkerchiefs
- Production by the Arm Method
- Production by the Coat Method
- Production by the Wand Method
- Handkerchief Production Apparatus
- Summer Season Opens - Magicians Report Good Bookings
- Magician Boxing Champion Defeated by "Strong Man"
- Mathematical Magic - Clarence T. Hubbard
- photo - Interior view of the Kratky Baschik Theatre, Prof. Ottokar Fischer performing
- Mercedes Puzzles Newspaper Magnate and Governor Glynn
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 5 - July, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo - Raymond
- Svengali Claims Originality of Telepathy Act
- The Magic of Memory - Tudor Jenks
- The Editor's Column
- Ventriloquist Makes Large Advertising Campaign
- Illusionist Gets Three Year Sentence at Atlanta
- Houdini Advertises by Another Sensational Escape
- Ching Ling Foo Playing Moss Time in England
- New Card Tearing Trick
- Houdini at Victoria, New York for Long Stay
- "Willard The Wizard" Commits Suicide in Jail
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- The Traveling Silk
- The Chameleon Handkerchief
- Notes
- Communicated - Re: William Friar from Carl S. Lohrey
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson IV [handkerchiefs]
- The Arm Method
- By Various Sleights
- Disappearance from the Mouth
- Apparatus and Mechanical Methods
- Late News Note
- Important Notice to Our Readers - re: price increase
- Well-Known Performers on Long Tour
- Caught In The Act
- The Magician's Note-Book - Barry McAllister
- sketch - Harry Kellar - Guest of Honor at the S. A. A. Banquet
- Recent Dates
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 6 - August, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo and note - Will De Seive (Will H. Wilson)
- Mr. Harry Kellar Enjoys an Extensive Trip
- Notice to Our Readers - re: Lionel T. Bonner
- The Editor's Column
- Obituary - Edward Gardner
- Harry Helms, 25 Years Performing, Carries a Ton of Apparatus
- Late News Notes
- An Idea for the Ventriloquist - P. F. Byrd
- photo and note - Mr. Lionel T. Bonner
- Conjuring Record's Business Address Changed
- Late News Notes
- The Man Who Gets the Business - Van K. Allison
- Late News Notes
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- The Spirit Ring (After T. T. Fischer)
- The Baseball Bat
- Mysterious Evelyn Loses Trick Birds
- Mercedes Mystifies "By The Side Of The Sea"
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson V
- Some Dont's for the Beginner
- News from the Fraternities
- Pittsburgh Association of Magicians, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Will F. Burford
- "Cunning" Playing in Opposition to Houdini
- Caught In The Act
- A Man of Good Standing
- A Problem for Uncle Sam's Mail
- A Fake - G. F. K.
- It Happened in Philadelphia
- The Presti-frigerator - T. J.
- Twenty-Five Years Ago
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 7 - September, 1914 - 8 pages
- In and Around "The Big City" - Gil - cartoons
- New Vaudeville Act Carries Mysterious Illusion
- Obeys Call to War; Houdini Loses Assistant
- Chinese Magicians Stalled at Ellis Island; May Be Sent Back
- The Editor's Column
- Louis C. Haley's Book Enjoys Record Sale
- Late News Notes
- Sylvester Schaffer, Among Other Things a Skillful Magician
- Late News Notes
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Jarrow Still Known as "The Man with the Lemon"
- "Pierce, The Mysterious" Doing Big Business in Quaker City
- Chinese Performers Receive Ovation in the West
- Mme. Adelaide Herrmann, Recovered; Opens Season
- Mercedes to Play Entire U. B. O. and Orpheum
- Disappearance of a Handkerchief - Rupert King
- Cigarette Combination - Jaques Porter
- "Everybody Happy" Is the Latest from Van Hoven
- Late News Notes
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson VI
- Magic an Art that Entertains
- Some Requirements the Magician Must Have
- Troubles of a Magician - from the N. Y. Telegraph
- Caught In The Act
- Pig-Headed
- Getting Ratty - C. H, Morton
- Here's another Job for the Undertaker
- Without a Doubt - F. J. B.
- Monkey-Business
- Young Magicians Give Show for Fresh Air Fund
- Ah Cheng Sa - Kennedy Show Doing Good Road Business
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 8 - October, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo and note - Mr. C. H. Guder
- Willard, "The Man Who Grows" at Hammerstein's
- C. T. Hubbard Tells History of Magic in Hartford
- Big Business
- In Vaudeville
- The Editor's Column
- Late News
- Pekin Mysteries Score Hit in Boston
- Los Angeles Has Week of Many Magical Performers
- Mr. Harry Kellar in New York for a Lengthy Visit
- Late News
- With the Press - notes on magazines and books
- Late News
- Jail Sentence and $500 Fine for Escape Artist [Harry Hall]
- Frank E. Gordon, Magician, at "The Corner", New York
- Mercedes Honored While Playing in Chicago
- "Man of Mystery", Doing Small Time in the East
- Vanishing of a Half-Dollar - James Readlaw
- Suspended Cards - Barry McAllister
- Kar-Mi, Oriental Illusionist Scores Success on Broadway
- Powell The Great Endorses Magical Book by American Author
- Magician and Ventriloquist Both Satired by Joe Cook
- Late News
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson VII
- Turning the Tables
- The Load
- Lifting the Load a la Chair Method
- From the Vest
- Houdini Now Specializing - Tops Bill at Alhambra, N. Y.
- Late News
- Caught In The Act
- Must Have Thrown it Too Far
- A Vanishing Act That6 Failed - cartoon - J.
- A Handy Trick - E. G. G.
- Mixed Genders
- Late News
- Thurston. At the Crescent Theatre New York Last Week
- Famous Ventriloquist Plays Joke on Friends
- Rhode Island Lo0ca, N. C. A., Hold Third Annual Banquet
- LeRoy, Talma, and Bosco Pleasing Australian Folk
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 9 - November, 1914 - 8 pages
- photo and note - Mr. Burling G. G. Hull
- Zerah II, Calculating Wonder to Play American Dates
- Late News
- Pierce, The Mysterious
- photo - Pierce, The Mysterious
- photo - Pierce, The Mysterious
- The Editor's Column
- A. Alphonse, Third Season in Fanciful Play
- Arthur Prince Pleasing American Audiences
- Waldron and Rio Playing and Expose Magic Act
- Pittsburgh and Vicinity Has Plenty of Magic
- Long Tack Sam Detained in Quarantine
- Jarrow at Keith's Toledo, Pleases
- Big Illusion at Panama-Pacific Exposition
- With the Press - notes on magazines and books
- The Sharrocks, Mind Readers, Present New Act in New York
- Bradley M. Fischer Gives Elaborate Show
- Late News Notes
- Obedient Coins - J. E. Pierce
- La Plano Entertains Kansas City Folk
- Late News Notes
- T. Roy Barnes, Former Magician in Musical Comedy
- Rigoletto Brothers Including Magic in Their Act
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson VIII
- Black Art
- The Black Art Table
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- The Mystical Alarm Clock
- An Appearing Silk
- Caught In The Act
- A Hot One - C. H. Guder
- A Doubtful Compliment - Eagle Bend Advocate
- With Interest
- Proves The Rule - J. D.
- Mind Reading Act - J. E. Pierce
- Long-Established Magical Business For Sale
- Trick with the Bottomless Glass - Norton "The Bewilderer"
- Court Stops Use of Patented Illusion
- note about Claude Golden
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 10 - December, 1914 - 8 pages - Christmas Number
- Aid to War-Stricken Actors
- Card Appearing in Hat - Carl H. Guder
- Houdini Receives Loving Cup
- Mercedes Up Against a Snag in the South
- "Man Who Grows" Signed Up with Loew
- The Editor's Column
- Theo. Bamberg Pleases at Kansas City Mo.
- Ching Ling Foo Again in New York City
- Howard Thurston Married to Miss Leotha Allison
- Late News Notes
- Handkerchief Production - J. E. Pierce
- Mr. H. C. Schreck Advocate of "Public Defender" Movement
- Leon & Company Score Whirlwind Success in New York
- The Beginner's Guide to Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
- Lesson IX
- Final Advice for the Beginner
- Initial Appearance
- Billing and Literature
- Late News Notes
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Fischer's Paper Bag
- A Hint as to Patter
- Ventriloquist Sketch - Sheldon Simms
- Caught In The Act
- Proof
- In the Bread Line - The Sphinx
- And, we offer the 2nd installment as follow:
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 11 - January, 1915 - 8 pages
- Boarding Houses And ... - Van Hoven, The Dippy Mad Magician
- Marshall P. Wilder, Magic Lover, Dead
- photo - Carl S. Lohrey
- Editorial
- Change of ADDRESS
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Eagle Magic Company Has New Branch Offices
- New Magical Organization [The Professional Magicians Mutual Protective Association]
- Trunk Escape - J. E. Pierce
- How to Fake Ordinary Handcuffs - J. E. Pierce
- Obituary - Hugh Barker
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Cigar Box Mystery
- Candle to Flags
- Peter Newton Interested in Unique Theatre Plan
- Eva Fay Heads Bill at New York House
- T. Roy Barnes Again in the Limelight
- In Three Weeks, Three Stars, All Magicians
- What D'Ye Mean Magic's Dead? - Read This!
- From Coast to Coast - news items
- Egg-Handkerchief Vanish - Carl H. Guder
- Kansas City Enjoys Thurston's Show
- Magical Companies Recently Consolidated
- Caught In The Act
- Stung! - J. Pollin
- Purely Simply - N. Y. Telegraph
- Backfire - J. J. L.
- Shang Tun Mysteries Beautiful Production
- Communicated - A Constant Reader
- Magical Definitions - B. Wayre - from "The Magic Wand"
- The Conjuring Record - Volume 2, Number 12 - February, 1915 - 8 pages
- photo - A Group of Officers and Members of Headquarters Assembly B. of M. Troy, N.Y.
- Arthur Prince Must Go to Battlefield
- Magicians Busy
- Magic, and What They Think of It - The Editor
- comments from the Editor
- With the Press - notes on magazines
- Ching Ling Foo Fine in Frisco
- Theo. Bamberg Off Again; Has New Pocket Trick
- Here's One for the Spiritualists to Solve
- Released from Jail; Resumes the Stage
- Few of Us Know ... - Rupert King
- Buried in Coffin He Used in Escape act [Jefferson Howard]
- Bradley M. Fischer's Column
- Nations at War
- Candle to Flag
- Handkerchief Color Change
- Magical Reviews
- The Brown Brothers
- Del Adelphia
- B. of M. [Brotherhood of Magicians] Notes
- Thought Transference Didn't Transfer
- A Puzzling Card Trick - Clarence T. Hubbard
- Mr. J. T. Kelsey
- Caught In The Act
- Faithless - G. E. C.
- Justice - C. G.
- Watchful Waiting - Theo. Bamberg
- "It's a Long, Long Way" from N. Y. - The Sphinx
- Spoofing
- Arthur's Act
- Van Hoven and Annie Kent Are Divorced
- Ghost A Fake - Clarence T. Hubbard
- Communicated - letter from Bargain
- Opening and Patter Used By Carl S. Lohrey
- From Coast to Cost
1st edition 1913, 164 pages.
word count: 95488 which is equivalent to 381 standard pages of text