$18(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This ebook with photo illustrations is a treasure trove of to-the-point card effects, plus a little coin magic included for good measure. There are premium effects chosen from John's DVDs and earlier booklets, as well as new material and effects from some of John's friends including Peter Duffie and John Bannon. In fact, in his foreword to the book, John Bannon said of John Carey's creations: "I pay attention to his work, follow it, enjoy it, and often find bits of inspired thinking I'll incorporate in my own work. I'd bet that you'd reach the same conclusion."
- Foreword
- Introduction
- 1 Deck Do As I Do
- A Little O & W
- A Mystery In Time
- Aces At Large
- Aces From The Dust
- Bluff Thought Sender
- Christ Cross Searchers
- Dead Cut
- Easy As One, Two, Three!
- Everywhere Ya Go!
- Fechter Meets Daley
- Flip Flop Card Force
- Gemini Reflections
- Hands Off Ambition/Card In Box
- If We Could Turn Back Time
- Illogical Invisible Countdown
- Impossible Conclusion
- (Triple) Inpurseination
- It's A Mystery
- It's All In The Name
- It's Out Of My Hands
- Just Make A Wish
- Just Make Believe
- Kinda Mysterious
- Kung Fu Do As I Do
- Lark Hill Opener!
- Mind To Mind
- Moving On Up
- My Luck And Your Thought
- Neither Short Sighted Nor Mad!
- On The Up, Up, Up!
- One Thought, One Outcome
- Opening Number
- Piggy In The Middle
- Problem Solving
- Pseudo Vernon
- Quattro!
- Ribbon Spread Force
- Sans Stackus
- Shh... It's A Mystery
- Simple Fusion
- Split And Spread Control
- The Summer Of '76
- S.W.I. Interchange
- Tag Team Holdout
- Take Her Home And Poker
- The Card That Tells The Future
- The Hands Off 'Dribble' Force
- The Paradox Card
- The Teleport Card
- Thinkenisis
- Thinking And Syncing
- Three Chances
- Two Minds And Two Decks
- When Two Hearts
- With Thanks To Justin!
- Working Wild!
- You Have The Power
- Your Thought And Your Card
- Magicseen Magazine Article
- Friends of JC
- The Esteemed (John Bannon)
- Pocket Interchange (Jack Carpenter)
- Invisible Touch (Shannon Clark)
- Double Open Un-Gaffed (Jason Dean)
- Jacks Still Travel (Peter Duffie)
- Finding Yourself (Andrew Gerard)
- Mind's PSI (J.K. Hartman)
- Life Force Triangle (Raj Madhok)
- Twilight Zone (Glenn Morphew)
- Peeping Tom (Michael Murray)
- Count On It Again (Gary Plants)
- And Finally
1st edition 2015, PDF 200 pages.
word count: 51811 which is equivalent to 207 standard pages of text