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Crispin Sartwell

Crispin Sartwell

Crispin Sartwell is Associate Professor of Art History, Political Science, and Philosophy at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. A former newspaper columnist and music critic, he is the author of a number of books, including Political Aesthetics (Cornell University Press, 2010) and Six Names of Beauty (Routledge, 2004). He is a card hobbyist.

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★★★★★ $30
Crispin Sartwell
Pintajes: El Arte Arcano de la Transfiguracion (con cartas) by Crispin Sartwell

Un pintaje es la transformación instantánea de una carta en otra ante los ojos del espectador. Es decir; no haces nada raro, como poner la carta en una cajita, cerrar la caja, volverla a abrir y sacar una carta diferente. La carta se transforma ahí mismo, ante la vista de todos.

Descarga tu muestra gratis del libro aquí:

Pintajes Muestra Gratis

Crispin Sartwell recoge en este libro 93 pintajes y técnicas "puros", en los que no se usa ningún adminiculo ni cartas especiales.

Aunque se podría pensar que debe haber más de 93 pintajes y técnicas relevantes para el pintaje, en...


color softcover

The Color Change: the arcane art of transfiguration with playing cards (for resale)

Crispin Sartwell
The Color Change: the arcane art of transfiguration with playing cards (for resale) by Crispin Sartwell
"This is the best compilation of Color Changes to date. I know this because I've been collecting color changes for the last ten years myself. I applaud his research and thoroughness. It is well organized and coherent." - Jon Racherbaumer

"Crispin Sartwell has produced a well-written treatment of color changes that is the first of its kind. An important contribution to the art of magic and a must-have resource for every card handler." - Jerry Cestkowski (The Flourishman)

"As a professional magician for 36 years, I have been constantly told that my simply done but highly effective color change done at the outset of the one stage card...

★★★★ $30
Crispin Sartwell
The Color Change: the arcane art of transfiguration with playing cards by Crispin Sartwell

"This is the best compilation of Color Changes to date. I know this because I've been collecting color changes for the last ten years myself. I applaud his research and thoroughness. It is well organized and coherent." - Jon Racherbaumer

"Crispin Sartwell has produced a well-written treatment of color changes that is the first of its kind. An important contribution to the art of magic and a must-have resource for every card handler." - Jerry Cestkowski (The Flourishman)

"As a professional magician for 36 years, I have been constantly told that my simply done but highly effective color change done at the outset of the one stage card...

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