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Cyberdeck by Alexander Shulyatsky

A person thinks of any card, mixes the deck any way they want, squares it up so that the holes are all the way through, cuts to any question card, answers the question and performs the action. In no more than 6 actions, the spectator themselves finds the playing card they thought of.

The deck works in such a way that the answers to the questions will lead the person to their thought-of card in 100% of the cases. This is hellishly cool.

And here's why it's cool:

  • No memorization whatsoever, i.e. it's a completely self-working trick.
  • No repeats of questions of the same kind.
  • The playing cards and the computer cards can be mixed.
  • You are working only with the cards that remain on the stick
  • The unneeded questions (if any) fall off together with the "filtered out" cards.
  • The spectator's card will be found in 3 to 6 questions.
  • Can be made at home (hole punch needed).

The deck is not included, but you will receive images of the finished cards.

1st edition 2024, PDF 11 pages.
word count: 1829 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

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