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Dani DaOrtiz

Dani DaOrtiz

Daniel Ortiz was born in Malaga in a town called Estepona. His magic journey started at 4 years of age thanks to a box of tricks given to him by his father. When he was 12, he visited the magic circle in Seville and experienced the magic of Mario the Magician who would later become his mentor. His mentors and primary influences come from first class artists such as Juan Escolano, Mago Migue, Juan Tamariz, and Lennart Green. All played their part in influencing his approach to magic.

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Bestselling Products for Dani DaOrtiz


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Dani DaOrtiz
Libertad de Expresion by Dani DaOrtiz

Segundo monográfico de Dani DaOrtiz. Libertad de expresión es un estudio sobre el forzaje psicológico y la sicología en el forzaje. A través de casi 140 páginas de información, Dani se desnuda artísitica y mentalmente, ofreciendo todas sus armas psicológicas y colocándolas al alcance de todos.

  • Estrategias, sutilezas, técnicas psicológicas...
  • Fuerza números, cartas (sin barajas), situaciones, decisiones...
  • Estudio sobre el forzaje clásico (psicológico).
  • La séptima.
  • Trabjando con grupitos.
  • Forzajes verbales y numéricos.
  • Forzaje del mago.
  • Engaño por percepción visual. ...
★★★★ $12
Dani DaOrtiz
My Personal Stack by Dani DaOrtiz

Those who have used it agree that it's one of the easiest and potent stacks in the world of stacked decks. A work of over 10 years that finally is seeing light in this ebook.

New properties and deep study about the DaOrtiz stack. Divination, coincidences, exhibitions of skill… all in 134 pages complete with photographs.

But what properties comprise the DaOrtiz stack? In addition to the properties of all stacks, like how to find and control cards, this stack supports the abilities to:

  • Get to stack from a new deck
  • Show it to the spectators
  • Ability to move to red-black alternating...
★★★★★ $12
Dani DaOrtiz
Card Cemetery by Dani DaOrtiz

This is the first monographic study by Dani DaOrtiz. Dedicated to the torn and restored cards. Eleven fascinating routines, for all levels; as well as a theoretic study on the torn cards, which deepens the necessity of using signatures. Duplicate cards without duplicates, signed cards secretly, or duplicate signatures in front of the spectators.

In addition, you can find the following tricks

  • Flash pocket restoration
  • Flash card box restoration
  • Matrix restored
  • Not another torn and restored
  • Back in time
  • "Plas!"
  • The one
  • Gag, the strongest magician!
  • Restored in the shoe
  • Instant restoration ...
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