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Dark Angel
by Peter Duffie

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Dark Angel by Peter Duffie

This stunning two-part routine has no sleights and nothing to remember except the simple handling, and it leaves the deck ready for a repeat performance. What can you wish more?

After explaining that - not unlike humans - each playing card has a guardian angel that watches over it, you show a 6" x 4" card (can be laminated) that has a full deck of 52 cards printed on it - blacks on one side - reds on the other. These, you claim are the guardians. Against each card is another random card - these are the cards over which the guardians watch. This card is called "the card of the guardians" and can be fully examined.

Next, you introduce a deck of cards - this is a regular deck which you freely show to the audience. Now read the following true account carefully...

You give the deck to a spectator who cuts it as often as he wishes - he then deals the top card onto the table. No force! This card is placed face up beneath the deck - it really goes there - no hidden moves. A second spectator cuts off a portion - he can cut anywhere he likes. Again absolutely no force.

The first selection is located on the "card of the guardians" - easy because the guardians are split into suits and run in order. So, now the spectator reads out what is written, perhaps, 2 of Diamonds is the guardian of Ace of Clubs. When the other spectator turns over his freely cut packet he finds the card he cut to is in fact the Ace of Clubs! Remember no forces!....but there’s more!

Thanks to Roy Walton you now do it again with even more devastating effect! Because this time the original guardian card transforms into the new required card! and, automatically you are left absolutely clean and reset!

New and Strange. Dark Angel uses any regular deck. Templates are supplied so you may print the Card of the Guardians from any printer. Includes a color template and a B & W for laser printers.

1st edition 2007; 8 pages.
word count: 1596 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text