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A card at any number! But the number is predicted in advance! Watch the demo video below.
The performer removes a card that has plenty of white space on its face from the deck – say, the Two of Hearts - and writes a prediction on the face of this card with a marker pen. The prediction is left face down on the table. A spectator now selects a card from the deck (say the JS), after which the card is lost back into the deck. The deck is now given to a second spectator who - only now - names ANY number. To keep the routine moving along you suggest he thinks of any number between 1 and 30. He might name 17. He now deals to the 17th card and places this card on the table next to the prediction. Now for the amazing finish.
- The card he dealt to is turned over and proves to be the other spectator’s selection, the JS!
- You remind the audience that the second spectator thought of ANY number – in this case it was 17 - your prediction card is turned over and it bears the number 17!!
Watch the video demo below to see the effect. This is a basic demo/explanation of effect without an audience to let you see what happens.
1st edition 2006; 7 pages
word count: 1576 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text