David Hoy
(Evansville, Illinois: 21st July, 1930 - 2nd April, 1981)
Son of a Baptist lay preacher and a reverend in his own right. Spent a year as missionary in South America. Thence radio broadcaster in Evansville. Semi-pro to pro mentalist to psychic as "Dr. Faust".
Invented the Tossed Out Deck by 1963. Edited Ministers' Magic Service 1958 (4 issues). Wrote Spiritism (c1955), Magic of the Eye (c1955), Magic with a Message (1956, 70pp), Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust (1963, 28pp), and David Hoy's Psychic and Other ESP Party Games (1965, ghosted by Walter B. Gibson). Biographer is John Godwin, Super-Psychic: The Incredible Dr. Hoy (1974).