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ESP According to Hoy
by David Hoy


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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ESP According to Hoy by David Hoy

David Hoy was a mentalist who later billed himself as genuine psychic. In this audio recording he tries to teach you how to develop your own psychic abilities.

Here is the original back cover text:

Dr. David Hoy, one of America's foremost authorities on extrasensory perception, is a scholar of extraordinary psychic capacity. He has conducted a lifetime study of mind-to-mind communication and is world-renowned for his ESP experiences and research conducted under scientific conditions. He is also the author of several books on ESP, read by a large following in seven languages.

Dr. Hoy's astonishing predictions have been well documented and proven to be 85% accurate. David Hoy predicted Bobby Goldsboro's smash hit recording of "Honey" weeks before either of them ever heard of the song! Sixty days before the Silver Bridge collapsed into the Ohio River near Point Pleasant, W. Va., in 1967, David Hoy predicted the disaster on a taped program at radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh. Two years before Jackie Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis were wed, David Hoy predicted the match on Boston radio and TV! Two weeks before the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy, David Hoy predicted at Tusculum College in Greenville, Tenn., that Kennedy would win the California primary but that it would be fraught with tragedy! In January of 1969, David Hoy predicted that because of personal tragedy, Sen. Ted Kennedy would not run for the presidency in 1972!

Dr. Hoy's methods of predicting future events are recounted in this monumental recording. His vast experieince in the realm of extrasensory perception uniquely qualifies him to tell others how to awaken their psychic faculties and develop their own extrasensory potential. This album is the most explicit and interesting presentation of ESP development I have come across in my eight years of psychic study.

Ronald E. Deckard - Specialist in Psychic Research

Originally issued as an LP record. Now an MP3 which you can download to your computer, phone or MP3 player.

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This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Audio

Nonfiction / Body, Mind & Spirit / Parapsychology / ESP (Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy)

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / ESP