David Robbins
If you are David Robbins, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Coauthors: Irv Feldman
If you are David Robbins, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Coauthors: Irv Feldman
This is a complete file of this periodical. It is in very good condition. For the content see the digital edition.
This is issues #1 and #2 of Magic is Fun, without their original covers. This was originally side stapled. The staples have been removed. Cover is somewhat damaged and creased. Inside is in good condition.
Cash in on interest in ESP and mind power with this 15 minute lecture and 30 minute demonstration that you can give.
The author has presented this lecture many times with great success. It is both educational and entertaining and will be enjoyed by most any audience from teens to active seniors. At the conclusion of the lecture, a demonstration of ESP (or is it?) follows. Audience participation is encouraged. Any magician or mentalist can perform the lecture. It can be read straight from a printed copy, performed from memory, or better yet, given as a PowerPoint presentation.
Use this...
October-December 1947
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
July-September 1947
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
April-June 1947
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
September-December 1946
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
Un-numbered cover pages are indicated with i, ii, iii, iv.
September-December 1946
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
Un-numbered cover pages are indicated with i, ii, iii, iv.
May-August 1946
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
Un-numbered cover pages are indicated with i, ii, iii, iv.
March-April 1946
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
Un-numbered cover pages are indicated with i, ii, iii, iv.
The tricks in this ebook represent a selection of the best tricks from each issue of Magic Is Fun, a magazine now out of print. Wherever possible, credit has been given to the originator of each trick or its presentation.
Over 100 tricks that anyone can perform with simple inexpensive props. Including instructions in showmanship, sleight of hand and ventriloquism.
Tricks taught are: