September-December 1946
Irv Feldman and David Robbins, editors
Un-numbered cover pages are indicated with i, ii, iii, iv.
- Magic Is Fun, Number 4 - January-March, 1947 - 28 pages
- Cover - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cardini
- The Editor Says:
- News Flash!
- Contents
- photo - Cardini
- Cardini, Aristocrat of Magic - Robert Orben
- A New Card Gimmick - Allan Lambie
- Remember the Magician's Code
- The X-Ray Match-Box - Alfred Zorn
- Incomparable Orson [Welles]
- Cutting a Woman in Half (Pocket Model Version) - Robert Rastord
- Secrets of Indian Magic - John Waterman
- Blackboard Miracles
- Number Telepathy
- Dividing the Horses
- Mind Over Matter
- Magic Cop [Lt. Lee Allen Estes] - Irv Feldman
- Mystic Ashes - Marilyn Mattsson
- The Ghost Whistle - James Flaherty
- How to be a Ventriloquist - James Rodney
- Lesson 2 - Holding a Conversation
- Lessons in Sleight of Hand
- Lesson 2 - The Miser's Dream
- The Great Ovette - by Don Appel
- Magic-Gags
- cartoon - Art Ross
- Showmanship
- Gone With the Wind - James Collins
- Silk from Ink Bottle - Curtiss Giese
- Four Aces From Hat - Norman Rollins
- Smart Coin Vanish - Harold Menson
- Book Magic - Tom Waldon
- Coin in Orange - Charles Willins
- Houdini - Part IV - Houdini Exposes Rahman Bey, The Egyptian Fakir - Paul Benov
- Red, White & Blue Mental Effect - John Adams
- E-Z Built Production and Vanishing Box - Raymond Wilenzick
- Walking Colors - Junior K. Grotts
- The Red and Black Mystery - Clarence Lee
- Doings of Magicians
28 pages
word count: 20224 which is equivalent to 80 standard pages of text