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Doug Conn

Doug Conn

He has worked as a professional, close-up magician for over 20 years. You name it, he’s done it: Hotels, Hospitality Suites, Convention Events, Casinos, Amusement Parks, Street Performing, Festivals, Riverboats, Restaurants (and more!) Conn has also been a featured performer/lecturer at many magic events. He's lectured all over the country and has appeared at magic conventions in: Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit, New Orleans and Minneapolis. Doug’s original material has been critically acclaimed and his ‘work’ has been featured in several trade journals.

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★★★★★ $20
Doug Conn
Conn-juring by Doug Conn

Conn-juring contains professional magic developed for the real world. 42 pages, photo Illustrated.


Flush Brush 2.1 Painting the Royal Flushes.

After-Afterburn A flaming biz-card production.

Joints 3 coin vanish / recovery.

Coin Spectacle Elbow, Knee & Neck... w/ repeat!

Plausible Presentations An essay.

One Conn's one coin flurry and thoughts on the subject.

Rab-bit (sponge) vanishes & reappears on a speks shoulder.

This Little Pinky A dissertation on the pinky count (3 routines.)

Dante's Sandwich A synergystic sandwich sequence; Elmsley's "Point of Departure" meets "The...