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Dr. Alexander Cannon
by Goodliffe

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Dr. Alexander Cannon by Goodliffe

Dr. Cannon was probably magic's most unusual character. He lived for many years on the Isle of Man where he ran a healing sanctuary. He had his own fully equipped theatre - The Enchanted Hall. Goodliffe, who was afflicted by a crippling disease, was encouraged by Dr. Cannon to take a free course of treatment.

Goodliffe knew Cannon well as a result and provides an absorbing portrait of this man on the recording. Of course you hear Cannon speaking as well. Fraud, fake or genuine mystic? Decide for yourself after listening to yet another voice from the mysterious past.

Believe it or not, here is the list of titles of Mr. Cannon: M.D., M.B., Ch.B., D.Sc., Ph.D., LLD., D.Litt., D.P.M. Royal College of Physicioans, F.R.S.M., F.R.S.A., F.R.S., T.M.H., Hon. F.B.P.S. also M.A. A Knight Grand Cross by letters patent. He also held a Dukedom abroad as well as a Barony and is Chevalier Grand Croix. Courtesy title of His Excellency. Professor in the Medical Faculty of a British University and Neuro-psychiatrist to the L.C.C. as well as Medical-jurist in the High Court of Justice. Author and inventor of the lie-detector in 1912. Or was he?

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by


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Magic & Mentalism / Biographies & History

Magic & Mentalism / Audio / Martin Breese Audio