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Drops of God
by Vincent Gagnieux

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Drops of God by Vincent Gagnieux

Can you recognize a wine just by its smell? Can you do it blindfolded? Can you do it without wine?

You write on three billets the name of your favorite wines (let's say for example "Gevrey-Chambertin", "Pommard", "Saint-Emilion") and display them in front of your participant. As you turn your back, you ask the participant to switch two of the "wines". And two more. It can be any two. And again, and again and again...When the participant is convinced that the wines are properly mixed, you face him, blindfolded, and ask him to hand you the "wines" one by one. You're then able to recognize the three wines just by smelling ... paper!

  • No peek
  • No use of equivoque
  • There can be any number of switches
  • The participant never says what switches are made
  • None of the switches are forced (you don't have to make the participant make any switch in particular).

1st edition 2024, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 1512 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text