Find two thought-of E.S.P. cards without even looking at the deck.
A deck of 25 colored E.S.P. cards (a.k.a. Zener cards) is introduced. It contains five different symbols in five different colors. In other words, every card is unique. The magician shuffles the deck and tables it.
After he turns his back, two spectators remove a card from the deck. They create their own card — combining the symbol on one card and the color on the other card — and hide their selections face down under the cardbox.
The magician faces the spectators again and asks them to visualize their thought-of card. He places the deck behind his back and openly runs through it as he establishes a connection with the spectators.
Then, he brings the deck back in front of them and reveals that a prediction lies into the cardbox. He gives the prediction to the first spectator and asks the second spectator to read it out loud:
The thought-of-cards are the only ones face down in the face-up deck.
Not only is the prediction correct but the magician also accurately gives each card to the right spectator before the cards are turned face up!
- Regular E.S.P. cards
- No marking system
- Easy to do
- Examinable
- Instant reset
1st edition 2024, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 2140 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text