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Exact Birthday by Unknown Mentalist

This is a physical product which will be shipped to you. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.

Exact Birthday is exactly that, a novel and fantastic birthday divination tool where you can divine the exact birthday of a total stranger in under 45 seconds. A specially printed business card is all you use to achieve this. A second card with general information like zodiac signs, their date ranges, and lucky playing cards is also provided as a reference card. Pop these 2 business-card-sized cards into your wallet or pocket and you are always ready to divine the exact birthday of a total stranger in any situation.

What You Get: Along with the PDF you also get 2 business-card-sized cards which are high-quality and beautifully produced cards that will last you a long time with reasonable care. You can easily carry these 2 cards in your wallet or pocket.

The performance from the participant's point of view will be something like this.

The performer asks the participant's mother's first name and also asks whether the participant is right or left-handed. The participant shares with the performer which elements and realms are influencing his birthday. And then the performer reveals the exact date and month of birth of the participant.

This innovative method is easy and self-working and works in any language. There are no sleights, no preshow, no stooges or instant stooges. There are no progressive anagrams and no peeks or impression devices. There are no secret writings, no one aheads. There is no dual reality, no reframes, no psy forces. No arts and crafts or DIY is needed and there is nothing to reset. There is no kind of tearing involved, no indexing, no switching and nothing is spoken or written down by the participant. No apps and no electronics. The cards can be freely handled before, during and after the performance by both the performer and the participant. This is instantly repeatable for any number of participants.

Gasps, jaw drops, and eye pop-outs are guaranteed. Although you could, it is strongly advised that you do not start your own cult with this one.

1st edition 2024, PDF 10 pages + gimmicks.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday

Magic & Mentalism / Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks