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Farelli's Card Magic
by Victor Farelli


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Farelli's Card Magic by Victor Farelli

Unavailable for 70 years - not anymore

A practical treatise on little-known card sleights, including numerous new card problems.

"You already know it, of course, but I would be amiss if I did not state for the record that putting Farelli parts I & II into standard format, transforming it, in the process, from 50 pages into 140, much improves it as a reference and it now looks really great. Thanks for a job well done." - 'M'

This is an exceptional book on card moves and tricks. A publication that has been long forgotten. It is filled with notes and advice by Victor Farelli - a professional close-up magician and specialist with cards.

The level of difficulty ranges from the very easy to the very difficult. Moves are explained in minute detail assisted by photos. Among other things it contains the first description of a bluff pass.

Originally this was published in two softcover booklets. The publisher, probably to reduce the number of pages and thus reduce the cost to print it, used a tiny 6pt font. Unless you have perfect vision it is almost impossible to read. This digital republication remedies this problem. 54 small format pages turn into 142 letter-sized pages. This ebook is based on the 3rd edition.

1st edition 1933, 54 pages; PDF 142 pages.
word count: 47748 which is equivalent to 190 standard pages of text