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Thanks to Leipzig!
by Victor Farelli


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Thanks to Leipzig! by Victor Farelli

The cleanest method of passing three freely selected cards from one packet to another, with a borrowed pack and without preparation and a convincing mental effect. Including bibliographical and historical notes on the thirty card trick and a treatise on false counting.

"... a fairly brilliant effect, executed with borrowed cards, will prove ten times more convincing to a modern audience than the most elaborate and astounding feat imaginable, performed with a pack belonging to the conjurer himself..." - Farelli's Card Magic (Chapter VIII.)

"... The conditions under which I constantly perform, impromptu, and with spectators at close quarters, have forced me to eliminate from my repertoire all card tricks which depend upon prepared cards, set-up decks, etc., leaving me only those possible with a borrowed deck and pure sleight of hand..." - Louis Zingone. (The Sphinx, November, 1931.)

From the foreword by George Armstrong:

Had my only object been to get a quick return for outlay, I could have easily produced this book in a cheap form, but as I consider the routine described in these pages to be the best and "cleanest" yet invented for causing three freely selected cards to pass from one packet to another (using a borrowed pack and without previous preparation), I asked Mr. Farelli to describe every phase of the trick in the minutest detail and to supply as many photographs as he might judge necessary.

I can testify that the "Basic Move" (paragraph 9) is absolutely indetectable in Mr. Farelli's hands, and any conjurer should be able to acquire it after a little practice. The greatest attention, however, must be paid to the lucid instructions given by the author who informs me that the "move" in question is similar to one used by Nate Leipzig himself in another routine.

Mr. Farelli's own version, in which the effect becomes a gem of impromptu "Mentalism" should not be overlooked.

Much practical advice, the fruit of many years professional experience in different parts of the world, is given in the Supplementary Notes, and in Appendix I, section IV, there is the suggestion for a novel form of the trick.

Students of magical history will certainly be interested in the Biographical and Historical Notes appended to this little volume. The information contained in these notes is also of practical value as a perusal of them and of the works referred to therein, will enable the reader to work out new versions of the ever popular Thirty Card Trick for himself.

The Noiseless False Count, fully explained in Appendix II, will be, I think, a revelation to the majority of present-day magicians, however great their knowledge and experience. Once again I can testify that in Mr. Farelli's hands it is perfectly deceptive. Mr. Charles Harrison's excellent method of false-counting is also a valuable addition to the book.

1st edition 1948; original 55 pages; PDF 40 pages.
word count: 12068 which is equivalent to 48 standard pages of text