At one point it was believed that only one copy of this book existed. This and other myths are addressed in the introduction by Frank Lehmann, who has studied this book in detail.
The book exposes various ways in which the game of Faro was crooked. It was a very popular betting game in the United States and usually was rigged in one way or another. It was published by Richard K. Fox, the proprietor of the Police Gazette.
- Introduction
- Part I
- The Game Of Faro
- The Cards In Faro
- Dealing The Cards
- Keeping The Game
- Technical Terms Used In Faro
- Laws Of The Game
- The Chances Of The Game
- Part II
- First Introduction Of Faro Into America
- Dealing Boxes
- Improvements In The Game
- Skin Faro Games
- The Gaff
- The Coffee Mill
- The Horse Box
- Roughed Cards Or Strippers
- Sanded Cards
- Rounds
- Snow Outs
- Squared Sights And Tie Ups
- The Odd Card
- Tongue Tell
- The Sand Tell
- Corking The Checks
- Dropping
- The Horse Hair
- Part III
- Dangers Of Modern Faro
- Putting Up The First Turn
- Putting Up Splits
- Putting Up Cards To Win Or Lose Out
- Chopping Out
- Breaking Even
- The Last Turn
- The Skill Of Skin Gamblers
- Some Sensible Advice
- Conclusion
1st edition 1882, 72 pages; PDF 67 pages.
word count: 28088 which is equivalent to 112 standard pages of text