An amazing completely impromptu 5-phased card cheating demonstration. Only basic skill required and it uses a regular deck of cards.
PHASE 1: STACKING: You remove a bunch of black spot cards from the deck and the four Kings. The Kings are cut into the packet and four hands are dealt. You then show that each hand contains one King and three black spot cards. You gather up the hands and deal again. Now the four Kings are in one hand, but you saved the best hand for yourself, the four Aces!
PHASE 2: FALSE DEALING: You get rid of the spot cards and place the Kings on top of the Aces. You deal two alternating hands. So there should be two Kings and two Aces in each hand, but the four Kings are in one hand and the four Aces are in the other.
PHASE 3: MUCKING: You talk about blackjack and hand mucking. Two Aces are placed in a pile on the table and the other two discarded. Two Kings are placed in a pile and the other two discarded. You wave over the two piles. Now each pile contains an Ace and a King, two perfect hands of Blackjack!
PHASE 4: MISDIRECTION: You offer to demonstrate misdirection in a friendly game of Two Card Monte. A King is placed on the table, an Ace is placed next to it. The other two cards are discarded. You mix the cards and ask where is the Ace. You turn over the card the spectator points to: It is a King. The other card is turned over: It is also a King. The Ace is discovered on top of the discarded pile.
PHASE 5: PALMING: You palm the Ace and transfer it from hand to hand. You claim that if you get really good at it, you can even make your hands looks empty on both sides. Fingers wide, you show your hands completely empty!