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Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis

From the time he was a small child, Cameron has been fascinated with magic. At the age of ten he acquired a colorful Mak Magic catalog and was completely entranced by the shiny boxes, rice bowls, colorful silks in the pages within. On weekends, Cameron would beg his father to drive him to the magic store where he would spend all of his hard earned allowance money on whatever exotic props he could afford. From elementary school up until he left for college, Cameron put these props to good use and performed his share of birthday parties, school events and Cub Scout meetings. During college, however, magic fell to the wayside as he spent more time focusing on becoming an actor (Plus it was really hard to get a date wearing a ruffled shirt and black cape).

One day, while attending graduate school in Washington D.C., Cameron stumbled into a magic store. As soon as he opened the door and saw the colorful apparatus lining the walls and smelled the aroma of stale sponge balls in the air, he was instantly smitten again. Walking out with a copy of The Royal Road to Card Magic and a Scotch and Soda set, Cameron's interest in magic was rekindled. Although this time, instead of being fascinated with ornate boxes and tubes, he became enthralled with sleight of hand magic. This was a big step for him as the only card tricks he previously performed had the words “Svengali” or “Invisible” printed on the box. He would, however, remain a bit of a closeted magician for several years until his wife Beth gave him the encouragement to take it to the next level and start performing magic professionally.

Today Cameron works both as an actor on stage and screen and as a close up magician. He currently lives in North Central Florida with Beth and daughter Gianna.

Coauthors: Peter Duffie, Liam Montier, Kyle MacNeill, Aldo Colombini

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Cameron Francis
Rehab Redux by Cameron Francis

A new spin on the classic piece-by-piece card restoration.

This is a real-world Torn & Restored Card that's easier to do and better on angles than most. It looks great on social media or in the real world. This is a T&R that was built for workers.

  • Simple set up
  • Easy moves
  • Great for strolling or table hopping
  • Perform it back out or face out
  • Multiple handlings included

1st edition 2024, video 33 minutes.

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live 3 by Cameron Francis

This third installment of the popular Moment's Notice Live series finds Cameron remixing, remastering, fixing, twisting, turning, and otherwise improving all of the effects from the original Moment's Notice 3 ebook. Featuring six super commercial, totally impromptu card routines that you'll want to add to your repertoire right away.


Sympathy – The four Queens twist and collect in the cleanest manner possible.

Wilder – A highly visual two phase Wild Card routine.

Indie – Three incorrect predictions turn into three mates.

Toasted – A clean and extremely direct double sandwich routine. ...

★★★★ $8
Cameron Francis
Numbered by Cameron Francis

A killer predicted card at any number effect.


A deck of cards is introduced. The magician claims that there is a prediction in the deck which he will reveal in a moment. The spectator then names any number between 1 and 52. Say the number is 34. The magician deals down to that number and out-jogs the card. As the magician points out that any number could have been named, other cards are shown with totally normal backs. The selected card is then removed from the deck and turned over. Drawn on the back of the card is the number 34.

Simple. Direct. Powerful.

This is a knockout...

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live 2 by Cameron Francis
"Moment's Notice contained a superb collection of impromptu card effects. In this second volume, Cameron has done it again ... in fact, this second volume might even be better than the first, if that is at all possible!" - Peter Duffie

"This is the kind of material I like, not difficult to do and with the EFFECT in mind!" - Aldo Colombini

"Cameron's material from the Moment's Notice series makes me want to go for a swim in Antarctica. It's that freakin hot!" - Donny Orbit

"I didn't want Moment's Notice 1 to end. This one picks up perfectly where the last left of. Filled with brilliantly commercial impromptu effect ready...

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live by Cameron Francis

Five totally impromptu card effects.

Released back in 2009, the original Moment's Notice kicked off what became a wildly successful series of impromptu card magic ebooks. Over the years, Cameron has revisited the material from the first booklet and made significant improvements. Now, for the first time on video, comes a collection of all five of the original effects, featuring brand new handlings and, in a couple of cases, completely re-imagined plots that look almost nothing like the ones from the ebook.

This is first rate impromptu card magic that's easy to do, and guaranteed to blow minds.

Effects: ...

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 9 by Cameron Francis

Feast your eyes on and fry your spectators' brains with six more insanely impossible impromptu card miracles.

TRIP EL REMIX - An amped-up version of a classic triple prediction trick with a major kicker ending. A serious fooler - and best of all, it's entirely self-working.

BIDDLE-ISH - A lean, mean, super-clean "Card Across" effect. You've never seen this spin on a time-tested classic of card magic.

BUT NOT LEAST - A wildly deceptive triple sandwich effect with an eye-popping, in-the-spectators-hands ending.

EAT FRESH - Inspired by the Buck Twins' legendary "Subway" - but you don't...

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 10 by Cameron Francis
"I love 'Precursor' - That's a really great plot!" - Liam Montier

"I really enjoyed this latest installment in the series! No filler. Strong, doable material!" - John Carey

The Moment's Notice series continues with six more stunning, spectacular, sensational effects. Hard-hitting and easy to do, this might be the best of the series yet.

Divided - An incredible two phase effect that ends in a full deck color separation (You are going to love the concept that makes this possible).

Streamlined Sandwich - Two face up Jacks are cut into the deck. A card is freely selected (for real). It then appears between...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Pabular: 10 effects from volume 5 by Cameron Francis


  • TWINK PLUS (Max Maven): Two cards selected by you and two selected by a spectator match.
  • OLDFINGER (Arthur Setterington): A box contains a finger which is laid on a face-down card. A lady is invited to remove the card. Suddenly the finger comes alive and jump into a vertical position. The card is a duplicate of a previously selection.
  • SECONDS OUT (Al Smith): Simply stated, the effect is that of a quadruple coincidence.
  • KRIX (Al Smith): A version of the Twisting The Aces trick, using the A-2-3-4 of one suit with a surprise ending.
  • EVEN BREAK (Walt Lees): You show two cards and request a spectator to...
Cameron Francis
Club 71: 10 effects from volume 3 by Cameron Francis

[Note that this volume has actually only 9 effects.]


  • FINGERED 2 (Simon Lovell): A unique revelation of a selected card with a transposition.
  • IT'S ME! (Solyl Kundu): Three cards show a picture of a magic wand. All three cards change into mirrors. Finally, you have a card with a mirror, a card with a wand and the third card with your picture (or your business card)
  • COIN IN BALLOON (Angelo Carbone): A coin is thrown towards a balloon and magically appears inside the balloon that can be examined.
  • HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF? (Melvin LeHair): An easy "Find The Lady" routine with a Queen and four Aces.
  • CHEEKY RING (Ali Cardabra): A nice routine in three phases...
★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Sketch by Cameron Francis

An incredible Card To Impossible Location system.

"A KILLER idea!" - Dave Forrest

"Another very commercial winner from the fertile mind of Cameron Francis. This one hits, and hits hard. It's expertly explained and taught, as are all of Mr. Francis' releases. A serious fooler, and highly recommended - - - period." - Daniel Ulin

"One of the best uses of this principle I have seen. Very clever!" - Peter Duffie

A card is selected. The spectator makes a random doodle on the card. The doodle is filled in to create a picture, say of a fish. The card then vanishes and reappears... wherever you want it to!...

Cameron Francis
Five Alive by Cameron Francis

Five awesome card tricks using a completely normal deck!

IN YOUR FACE TRANSPO -- An Ace of Spades trapped between two Jacks transposes with a selection. Super clean!

ALL THREE KINGS (with John Guastaferro) -- A four of a kind revelation that happens completely in the spectator's hands!

RED HOT ANNIVERSARY -- Red Hot Mama meets Anniversary Waltz. Totally impromptu!

COLLECTION KICKER -- A clean "Collectors" routine with a great kicker ending.

SLEIGHTLESS SIGHTLESS -- Mind reading, clarivoyence and precognition rolled into one amazing effect!

Five Alive is a PDF which includes...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Vivid by Cameron Francis

"Brilliant T&R! One of the best I've seen!" - Tony Chris

"Vivid is the strangest T&R card routine I've ever seen!" - Stephen Tucker

Introducing a wild test of a spectator's imagination...

A card is selected - say, the King of Hearts - and placed inside the card box. A second card - say, the Five of Spades - is then selected and lost in the deck (really, it's completely lost!). You ask your spectator to imagine that she's tearing off a corner of the King of Hearts. You then ask her to imagine taping that corner to the back of the Five of Spades. The magician removes the King from the box...only...

Cameron Francis
Flat Pack by Cameron Francis

"Flat Pack packs quite a punch!" - Stephen Tucker

"Flat Pack is cool as Ice. Love it!" - Tony Chris

Inspired by David Regal's "Sudden Deck" and Stephen Tucker's "Tardis Deck".

You display an unfolded card box, and clearly show it inside and out. You then proceed to fold it up, snap your fingers and slide a full deck of cards out of the box! It's that simple. It's that effective.

Flat Pack is great for close-up as well as stand-up work. It's super easy to make, and the angles are great.

1st edition 2014, length 20 min.

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Bound Ambition by Cameron Francis

"The change blew me away!" - John Gelasi

"I have no idea how it works! Really good stuff!" - Liam Montier

An incredibly visual, high-impact, in-your-face Ambitious Card ending.

A signed card suddenly appears on the card case - under a piece of electrical tape! Easy to do, and generates powerful reactions.

Simple to make gimmick - you probably have everything you need laying around the house already.

Gimmick can easily be transferred to another card box.

Get ready to amaze: buy Bound Ambition today.

1st edition 2014, length 25 min.

Cameron Francis
Club 71: 10 effects from volume 4 by Cameron Francis


  • TWO TIMES TEN CARD TRICK (Simon Lovell) - A super fair packet effect where a spectator's freely selected card is found in an impossible manner.
  • WHAT'S IN A NAME (Arun Bonerjee) - A freeely selected card is discovered using the letters of a spectator's name.
  • YCLIPT (Max Maven) - A paperclip disappears and reappears on a freely selected card.
  • SIGNED TRANSPO IN TRIPLICATE (Justin Higham) - An excellent variaiton of Bro. John Hamman's "Signed Transverse Triplet". Two cards (can be signed) change places among four Kings... three times.
  • A SUIT IN COURT (Solyl Kundu) - A B'Wave type effect using normal cards. ...
Cameron Francis
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 4 by Cameron Francis


  • ONE GOOD TURN (Al Koran) - A card is selected and replaced. A spectator, while the deck is behind his back, takes one card from the middle and reverses it. It is the selected card.
  • ZOMBIE CARD RISE (Eddie Ward) - A very clever floating card under handkerchief. No gimmicks. Everything can be examined.
  • FOLLOW MY LEADER (Ed Marlo) - A very easy to do Follow The Leader routine using ten red and ten black cards.
  • KNOT ON THE CORNER (Tom Sellers) - A knot appears on the corner of a handkerchief.
  • THE SLIP CUT EFFECT (Ed Marlo) - A selected card keeps appearing face up on top of the face down deck. You'll...
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Spell-Binder Part 4: effects from volume 2 by Cameron Francis


  • FIRST TIME EVER (Stephen Tucker): Five black cards and one red card are shown. The red card is placed on the table but reappears in the packet. This happens several times. In the end, all of the cards are shown to be black.
  • CYCLE (Paul Spencer): An off-beat rising card, card to card case effect.
  • ACE MBLEY (David Britland): A beautiful ace assembly routine.
  • GOLDMINE (Roger Curzon): Three coins are produced from thin air.
  • DISCOVER (Bill Worsley): Bill's excellent Biddle trick variation.
  • PRI-MAGE (Derek Robbins): A selection and its mate transpose.
  • ANATOMY (Stephen Tucker and Paul Brignal): An easy to make gaffed deck...
★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Spell-Binder Part 3: effects from volume 2 by Cameron Francis


  • GETTING YOUR OWN BACK (Paul Brignall): A clever all backs routine with a surprise finish.
  • JUMPING JOKERS (Al Smith): A Joker Assembly with a backfire ending.
  • INTO THE THIRD DIMENSION (Stephen Tucker): A sponge ball is split into two halves. The halves jump from one hand to another and finally fuse back into one complete ball.
  • UNBEATABLE (David Britland): A card is selected, say the Two of Hearts, and lost in the deck. Two Jokers are removed from the deck and placed aside. The deck is spread and the spectator FREELY selects any card, which is then placed between the Jokers. The card turns out to be the...
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
The Triple by Cameron Francis

"It's a BEAST! Nice work!" - Liam Montier

"Great, solid commercial stuff like you ALWAYS do, Cam." - Jack Carpenter

"It's really f***ing GOOOOD!" - Dave Forrest

Three amazing effects. One professional grade routine... This is The Triple.

If Triumph, The Collectors, and a color changing deck effect all got together and had a baby, it might just look something like The Triple. Cameron Francis delivers another knockout multi-phase card routine that's truly amazing to witness but devilishly simple to execute. No gimmicks. No difficult sleight of hand. Just a truckload of powerhouse magic. Perfect for the professional...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Ken Brooke Cups and Balls Routine by Cameron Francis

Here you have a unique cups and balls routine created by Ken Brooke, using just three cups and three balls with a surprising climax: The production of a fruit or vegetable. This routine is not difficult to do and is performed by Cameron Francis as part of the Aldo Colombini Tribute series.

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Fred Kaps Chinese Chow by Cameron Francis

This routine appeared in The Art Of Close-Up Magic Vol. 1 written by Lewis Ganson. A Chinese bowl is shown empty and placed mouth downwards on the table, sponge balls appear and multiply repeatedly. Eventually there is a fruit or production. A top class routine that was performed by the late Fred Kaps in his close-up routines. This routine is not difficult to do and is performed by Cameron Francis as part of the Aldo Colombini Tribute series.

★★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
Train Bricks by Cameron Francis

"Cameron's 'Creation' is worth the price of the download!" - Stephen Tucker

Get ready for six new new mental magic effects from the fertile and slightly deranged mind of Cameron Francis. All of these effects are well within the range of most magicians. No knuckle-busting sleights. No gaffs or gimmicks. All of the tricks use a normal deck.


B'WAVY GRAVY - The spectator takes five cards from a shuffled deck, shuffles them, and then discards all but one. The magician instantly knows which card was selected.

CREATION - A card is "created" by a spectator. The magician reveals the card...

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 8 by Cameron Francis

"Another super-commercial, high-impact collection from the fertile mind of Cameron Francis. This is the perfect finale to the extremely well thought-out 'Moment's Notice' series. Highly recommended." - D. Ulin, Los Angeles, CA

"Six devilishly cunning effects that you could possibly live without. Then again, you could live without sex, but you wouldn't want to... would you?" - Stephen Tucker, UK

"Cam's Moment's Notice series is a great read for anyone who digs their card magic and "Moment's Notice 8" is no exception!" - Liam Montier, UK


  • No Sweat Assembly -- A killer self-working Ace Assembly. ...
★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 4 by Cameron Francis

Probably the best of the series. Great packet tricks that use easy to find special cards.


  • THEY ARE WHAT THEY EAT: A fun and very commercial Cannibal Cards effect with a twist.
  • MAGIC IMAGE: A card is selected and lost in the deck, say the Seven of Hearts. A packet of blank cards with letters that spell out the word MAGIC is introduced. The letters then transform into the Word IMAGE. They transform once again to reveal the word CARD. Finally, the Seven of Hearts appears among the letter cards.
  • SPACE SHUTTLE (unpublished): A hole vanishes from a blank card and reappears on a selected...
Cameron Francis
Faux Show by Cameron Francis

An amazing completely impromptu 5-phased card cheating demonstration. Only basic skill required and it uses a regular deck of cards.

PHASE 1: STACKING: You remove a bunch of black spot cards from the deck and the four Kings. The Kings are cut into the packet and four hands are dealt. You then show that each hand contains one King and three black spot cards. You gather up the hands and deal again. Now the four Kings are in one hand, but you saved the best hand for yourself, the four Aces!

PHASE 2: FALSE DEALING: You get rid of the spot cards and place the Kings on top of the Aces. You...

★★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
Multifarious by Cameron Francis

7 Eclectic Close Up Card Effects + 1 Pen & Coin Trick

"This is an outstanding production, filled with stuff close up guys are gonna love. I really like what you did with Coincidentally Yours- just about perfect! I'm gonna have to do that trick!" - Jack Carpenter


EXPECTANT -- An assembly effect with an awesome twist.

COINCIDENTATLLY YOURS -- Harry Lorayne's classic effect reloaded.

SKILL V. MAGIC -- A killer Triumph effect with three selections.

FLYING FOUR REVISITED -- A super streamlined transposition between four signed cards and four blanks.

KEY CARD SEQUENCE -- A card is selected...

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 7 by Cameron Francis

Seven more off-beat, totally impromptu card effects from the mind of Cameron Francis. Includes both written instructions and video instructions.


THE TRUTH IS IN THE MIDDLE: A "mystery card" effect where a card reversed in the middle of the deck before the trick started turns out to be the selection.

WELL TRAVELED: A "Travelers" variation that is pretty darn easy to do.

TRI THE SANDWICH: A Triumph routine and sandwich routine all rolled into one tasty treat.

OUT OF SIGHT, INSIDE THE BOX: A magical variation of Dai Vernon's "Out of Sight, Out of Mind".

FAUX SHOW: A five phased...

Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 3 by Cameron Francis

After the success of the first two volumes, Cameron offers here five more incredible packet tricks using some special cards which are very easy to find.


  • SON OF A WAVE: A unique double prediction using only eight cards.
  • DALEY DOSE: Daley's Last Trick with a big Twist.
  • MAGICIAN'S HOLD 'EM: A crazy game of Texas Hold 'Em involving a transposition, an appearance of a Royal Flush and color changing backs.
  • UNFATHOMABLE: A great combination of mentalism and magic.
  • MAKING FRIENDS: A printing effect with a funny kicker ending.
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 2 by Cameron Francis

More great packet tricks using some special cards, which are very easy to find.


  • FRYER: One selection and four Aces make for a unique assembly effect with a killer kicker ending.
  • WHAT THE BLANK, TOO: An examinable Wild Card routine with four blank cards and four sections. Three of the blanks print copies of three selections before a huge twist at the end.
  • SKETCHERS: A three phase stunner! Three "stickmen artists" drawn on blank cards, sketch a selection on another blank card. The drawing then switches places with the selection. Finally, the stickmen all turn into mates of the...
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 1 by Cameron Francis

Great packet tricks using some special cards, which are very easy to find.


  • B-O-X-!: A truly offbeat four King assembly.
  • TROUBLEMAKERS: Xs appear on the backs of four Jokers, then two of them jump to the faces of two other Jokers.
  • NO LONGER: Four double blank cards are shown. A mentally selected King appears on one of them. Then it is seen to be printed on all the cards. One is placed aside and the magician claims that the other three are no longer Kings. He proves it by turning the cards over. On their faces are printed NO LONGER KINGS! Totally examinable.
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Self Explanatory by Cameron Francis

You remove two packets of cards, one visible and one invisible. The visible packet contains four blank cards. "The invisible packet contains the instructions on how to perform the trick." You slip the first invisible card into the face-down packet and run it through, whereupon it turns visible. It reads, MAKE A MAGICAL GESTURE OVER THE PACKET. The spectator does this. Another instruction card appears and says, SNAP YOUR FINGERS OVER THE PACKET. The spectator does this as well. The final instruction card appears and it reads, SAY YOUR FAVORITE MAGIC WORDS. The spectator does this as well. "I...

★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Give 'em the Business by Cameron Francis

Get ready for five high octane, visual business card effects! From the introduction:

As magicians, we all love giveaways: signed cards, signed matchbooks, signed coins. Or, if you're Rune Klan, signed bologna. I think most of us would have to agree, though, that the best giveaway of all is a business card. And if you are able to magically alter the card before handing it out, well, all the better. It makes the card that much more special; a conversation piece for the spectator. And there's no better publicity than great word of mouth.


Another Merger -- A two signatures and...

Cameron Francis
Twists and Turns by Cameron Francis

This effect is straightforward and powerful. A most unusual routine. A gem of intimate close-up magic. A card is selected from a deck of cards, say it is the 5-of-Spades. A packet of three Jokers is introduced. The 5-of-Spades is placed among the Jokers whereupon it instantly turns face down. It is replaced and turns face up. You then draw an X on the back of the 5-of-Spades which is placed face down in the packet. The cards are counted and now the 5-of-Spades is face up with an X on its face. The X visibly disappears off the face of the 5-of-Spades and now all the Jokers have an X on their...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Nothing Is As It Seems by Cameron Francis

The magician shows a packet of four cards, say three blue-backed Three of Hearts and one red-backed Joker. The Joker is placed in the magician's pocket but keeps jumping back into the packet several times. For the final kicker, all of the cards turn blank. Totally examinable. Easy to do.

Requires four blank faced cards.

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Nothing but the Truth by Cameron Francis

A great presentation for the standard Lie Detector theme where you reveal, using four cards, if the spectator tells the truth or lies and at the end the four cards change into four duplicates of the selections. You will love it! Can be done in any language.

Requires blank faced cards.

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Cheque This! A mini act that fits in your pocket by Cameron Francis

"Great trick!" - John Guastaferro

"Want a mini act in your pocket? Look no further! Pure, unadulterated Francis!" - Dave Forrest

"This is a fantastic and self-contained routine with a BORROWED bill, the ending caught me! I never saw it coming!" - Gary Jones

An incredible mini-act that fits in your pocket. Four phases of knock-out magic that you can do anytime, anywhere!

Phase 1
A five dollar bill is borrowed and signed. The magician claims he will make the bill vanish. He then says he might not be able to bring the bill back and in that case, would the spectator accept a cheque? At this point,...

★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Cards and Coins Parade by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with cards and coins.


  • A BOOK IS BETTER (Aldo Colombini): A selected card vanishes from the deck and reappears in a book at a page randomly selected by a spectator. Easy to do. No palming.
  • SHADES OF SILVER (Cameron Francis): An easy ‘shadow’ (assembly) coin routine using only four coins and your hands, with a backfire ending.
  • COIN WRAP (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and replaced. You try to produce the selected card but you fail. Then, you decide to do a coin trick. You perform a couple of very strong transpositions with a copper and a silver coin. At...
★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
Let's Get Small by Cameron Francis

"Hold that Ghost and Thanks to Walton just slapped me in the face with the hand of awesome. I'm always looking for new ways to get the Aces into play, and Thanks to Walton is my new best friend." - CrestfallenLyric (review from the Magic Cafe)

"Great tricks!" - Dave Forrest

"(Thanks to Walton is) one of the best versions of Roy's effect I have ever seen! Great work!" - John Carey

"All strong routines!" - Peter Duffie

Get ready for 10 completely impromptu packet effects. No gaffs or gimmicks. Just pull a few cards out of a completely normal deck and start performing miracles. This is stuff you will use!


★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini and Cameron Francis, two friends with a common passion: Card Magic. This is the type of magic that can be worked anytime, anyplace.


  • YET (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and it is seen to be the only different colored card. It disappears and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • SIMPLY AMAZING (Cameron Francis): This is a fun, off-beat four-Ace assembly.
  • FOLLOWERS (Aldo Colombini): Follow the Leader theme but the entire packet follows each time.
  • S.P.C.A. (Cameron Francis): An almost self-working small packet "card at number".
  • NUMBERED (Aldo Colombini):...
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Small Wonders by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Ten packet tricks performed with regular cards. Cameron and Aldo joined forces again to produce powerful routines you can and will use.


  • THANKS, MEESTER (Cameron Francis): A transposition between Kings and Jokers with a kicker ending.
  • EXIT (Aldo Colombini): A packet of red cards changes places with a packet of black cards.
  • EUPHORIA 2 (Cameron Francis): An amazing prediction effect that ends with a big surprise.
  • GRAVE (Aldo Colombini): The Jacks turn face down one at a time, then they change into the four Aces and the Jacks reappear in the middle of the deck.
★★★★★ $10
Kyle MacNeill & Cameron Francis
They Are What They Eat by Kyle MacNeill & Cameron Francis

a cannibal cards routine + three bonus effects

"Very, very good!" - Gary Jones

From the sleightly demented minds of Kyle MacNeill and Cameron Francis comes a cool cavalcade of carnivorous card creations: Four tricks inspired by the Lin Searles' "Cannibal Cards" plot.

The main event is "They Are What They Eat", a super direct cannibal cards routine with a powerhouse kicker ending!


Three "Vampire" Jokers are introduced. Three cards are then selected and placed on the table. One at a time, the selections are run through the Joker packet whereupon they lose their ink, turning...

Cameron Francis
Magician's Hold'em by Cameron Francis

The craziest game of cards ever played.


The magician pulls out a small packet of cards and relates a story about the strangest game of Texas Hold 'Em ever played, involving a transposition, an appearance of a Royal Flush and color changing backs. Only basic sleight of hand required. Instant Reset.

1st edition 2011; 8 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 6 by Cameron Francis

"Great tricks!" - Peter Duffie

"Really strong magic... Again!" - Raphael Czaja

"AWESOME stuff as usual. 'Half-Version' forced me to get up and grab a deck!" - Dave Forrest

The 6th installment of the smash hit ebook series is finally here! Six new, commercial, completely impromptu card miracles. New plots. Fun twists on old plots. Cool methods. This is card magic you will use.

  • DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN – A stunning double sandwich effect.
  • OVERCOUNTPaul Harris' Overkill meets Paul Cummin's Counting On It for one stunning effect.
  • FACES IN THE CROWD – An impromptu packet effect with a novel presentation.
★★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
More Headroom by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis presents seven more self working mental magic miracles using playing cards, business cards, bills, coins, envelopes, Sharpies and discount cards. There's a little something for everyone in this collection of super commercial, high octane material.

  • RED LIGHT - An ungaffed version of Cameron's bestselling effect Red Hot Prediction.
  • OUTLET - Four Sevens are shown. The spectator names one. You prove you predicted it. Clean and simple.
  • CHANGE IT UP - A freely chosen number matches the amount of change in your pocket.
  • MAGICIAN'S HOLD 'EM - A very easy to do and effective prediction...
Cameron Francis
Headroom by Cameron Francis

Eight self-working mental magic miracles using playing cards and business cards!

"I really like Either OR, and will be using it. This is worth the price of the PDF in my opinion." - Devin Knight

"'A rough Year, Too' (is) one of the best and fair diary effects I've ever seen." - Raphael Czaja

"Had a chance now to go through this eBook and give the effects some time, thanks Cameron for including me in the review copy list. I have a few of Cameron's releases now and they are all of very high quality and this is no exception. Like many people I tend to lean towards performing mentalism and having...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Full: Three self-working full deck effects (video) by Cameron Francis

Performed by Cameron Francis himself. Stacks can allow you to perform miracles under the fairest and cleanest conditions imaginable. Stuff you just can’t do impromptu. Stuff that will seriously blow your spectator's minds. This download DVD contains three such effects. Each trick requires a full deck set up and each one is self-working. Just add presentation and stir vigorously. The three effects use completely normal decks which, after the trick is over, can be shuffled up and used to produce all sorts of impromptu miracles. All of them make very good openers. Give at least one of these effects...

★★★★★ $8
Cameron Francis
Reorder by Cameron Francis

A killer, self contained packet effect that makes a great closer!


“Right now I'd like to show you one of my favorite tricks. I love it because It's got a really big finish.”

The magician displays a packet of blue backed Jokers and one Ace of Hearts. One by one, three of the Jokers print the mates of the Ace of Spades.

“Now, I can understand how the Jokers turn into Aces. But the thing I don't understand is where these backs came from!”

The magician turns the Aces over to reveal four different back designs.

“Now, you might think that this is the big finish...

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