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Flash Paper Tips
by Stuart Robson & Ralph W. Read


(3 customer ratings) ★★★

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Flash Paper Tips by Stuart Robson & Ralph W. Read

Incorporating the two previous editions known as Tips on Flash Paper and More Tips on Flash Paper, plus much additional material.

  • General Comments Re- Flash Paper
  • Opening Effects
  • Effects with Cigarettes, Cigars, Flames, Matches and Ashtrays
  • Effects with Money
  • Effects with Cards
  • Effects with Silks
  • Effects with Balls
  • Effects with Paper
  • Effects with Flowers
  • Effects with Rope
  • Effects with Milk
  • Miscellaneous Effects
  • Gags, Stunts and Bits of Business

1st edition 1951; 1st digital edition 2016, 52 pages.
word count: 16497 which is equivalent to 65 standard pages of text


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