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Forbidden Knowledge by W. G. Magnuson & Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight

You too, can apparently have the legendary psychic powers of the seventh son of the seventh son. This release will show you how and take your abilities to the next level. Learn advanced techniques from three of the legends in cold reading and mentalism: Magnuson, Nelmar and Knight. Techniques so advanced that Magnuson said you will make other mediums look like rank amateurs.

Back in the 40s, W. G. Magnuson dared to expose these secrets. Just as mediums threatened Houdini for his exposures, successful mediums also threatened Magnuson with bodily harm and threats of ancient curses if he exposed these secrets. These threats did not daunt Magnuson. The information revealed in this PDF aroused much hate and enmity from the old-school mediums, but Magnuson felt the results more than offset the threats.

Yes, there have been exposes of mediums, but only of the bunglers, those who relied on trickery to cause a sensation. However, the information revealed in this release is as far above the crude sleight of hand and trickery as a business man is above playing with a baby’s rattle.

How can trickery be exposed when there is no trickery? How can a medium using this system be trapped when there is no sure method of doing so? There are no questions to be switched or glimpsed at in some crude manner; no sleight of hand; no assistants needed; no clumsy and suspicious moves or apparatus. In fact, the performer is ready to work at any time whether his audience is large or small, whether it is filled with believers or skeptics set to trap him. All this is done without any pre-show work or use of the internet.

The real underground methods are revealed in this release. It took Magnuson over ten years to gather the methods presented therein in its entirety. Over ten years of observing, cajoling, bribing, and studying. Without a doubt, this release is the greatest information every released on the subject. It’s a combination of ideas by W. G. Magnuson, Nelmar Albino, and Devin Knight, all combined and updated by Devin Knight.

No other release on the market gives you this knowledge for the mediums who knew this system guarded it jealously and Magnuson was the first to part with this information to the magical world, even before Nelson Enterprises.

The medium gives great detail and accurate descriptions of the people involved. There are no stooges, no advance information or impression devices and the medium does not have to listen at a crack in the wall of a waiting room to catch snatches of conversations to work on. It can be done anywhere, anytime, entirely without preparation. This information is for skilled cold readers and mentalists wanting to up their game. This is not recommended for beginners who have no experience in cold reading.

1st edition 2018, 52 pages.
word count: 14615 which is equivalent to 58 standard pages of text