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Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

(21st March 1911 - 4th May 1992)

His father was a gardener. Franz learned to become a mechanic, but was forced to work as a roofer early on. Later he could find a job as mechanic in Germany. He was fascinated by magic and in particular card magic. When he was drafted into the military during WWII he would already perform for soldiers and officers, which prevented him from fighting on the front.

After returning from the war he settled in Vienna, Austria, became member of the Magische Vereinigung, Magischer Zirkel and later joined the IBM. He adopted the stage name Ronnay.

He became a recognized specialist of card magic and corresponded with such luminaries as Karl Fulves, Frank Garcia and Larry Jennings. Particularly noteworthy are his creations of small packet tricks and ESP tricks, many of which he either sold directly to retailers or licensed to manufacturers such as Emerson-West. He also had his own playing card printing press on which he would print special cards for his small packet tricks.

His publications are Symphonie in Rot und Blau, Card Nostalgie, Ein Card Mirakel, and Card Magic.

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Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner
Card Magic: eine Collection von Originellen Prinzipien und Effekten (gebraucht) by Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

Original Mimeograph, lose Seiten direkt von Ronnay's Nachlass. Zum Inhalt siehe die digitale Ausgabe.

★★★★★ $4
Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner
9-2-1 Prediction by Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

A very easy to do prediction effect with a surprising ending.

The performer introduces ten cards and deals them into a face-down packet to prove it. He hands the packet to a spectator and asks him to think of any number between one and ten. The cards are then cut by the spectator and shuffled. Then they are laid out in a face-down line. The performer asks the spectator to, for the first time, announce the number he thought of, then counts along the line to that number and pushes out the card lying at that position. (Note that this is a real count that can be done from the spectator - absolutely...

Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner
Symphonie in Rot und Blau by Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

Eine aussergewöhnliche Routine mit 8 verblüffenden Effekten - und zwei 32 Blatt Spielen - Rot und Blau.

  1. Effekt: Das Mirakel mit einer gedachten Karte
  2. Effekt: Die zwei vorgeschobenen Karten
  3. Effekt: Die zwei gemischten Spiele
  4. Effekt: Die umgewendete Karte
  5. Effekt: Die zwei frei gewählten Karten
  6. Effekt: Zwei gedachte Karten
  7. Effekt: Des Magiers gemerkte Karte
  8. Effekt: Eine unglaubliche Duplizität

Erstausgabe 1976, 16 Seiten; erste digitale Ausgabe 2016, 17 Seiten.

★★★★★ $20
Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner
Card Magic: eine Collection von Originellen Prinzipien und Effekten by Franz (Ronnay) Rosensteiner

Ronnay (Franz Rosensteiner) ist besonders durch seine tollen Kleinpäckchentricks bekannt geworden. Dieses Werk jedoch widmet sich ausschliesslich Kartentricks mit einem vollständigen Spiel. Ronnay beschreibt auch einige Griffe die besonders praktisch sind.

  • Die letzte Karte
  • Die letzte Karte II Version
  • Die gewählte Karte erscheint
  • Die zwei fremden Karten
  • Eine unmögliche Vorraussage
  • Eine unmögliche Voraussage - Version Nr. 2
  • Eine unmögliche Voraussage - Version Nr. 3
  • Eine gedachte Zahl
  • Die 3 buchstabierten Karten
  • Ein unerklärliches Kartenfinden
  • Der Slip-Cut auf dem Tisch
  • Der...
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