J. Stewart Smith presents more of his mystifying card effects, accomplished without knuckle-busting sleight of hand. The author was something of an enigma, eschewing public performances in favor of fooling magicians and mentalists at magic conventions. After a process of continual refinements from demonstrating his effects under the critical eyes of magicians, he would assemble a small number of his latest creations and issue them in small, limited-edition booklets. To say that his books are hard to come by is a gross understatement. This is a shame since the magic is priceless.
Smith was a firm believer that effective magic must be easily followed and tell a story. The eleven effects presented here are fine examples of this credo. No difficult sleights are required. All moves and subtleties are well-explained.
- An Unexpected Coincidence
- A Spectator's Feat
- Follow the Black Queens
- A Four Card Interchange
- Four Queens in Unseen Motion
- The Same Card
- Some Thoughts on The Ambitious Card (2 effects)
- The Inseparable Sevens (3 effects)
"Mr. Smith's routining is clever, naturally convincing and well thought out." - John J. Crimmins, Jr.
"We've tried all the effects and, as usual, have a favorite: A four card transposition called 'Queens in Unseen Motion'." - Sid Lorraine
"Smith's tricks are wonderful. His technique is a return to the disciplined approach to magic." - Harris Solomon
1st edition 1960; PDF 36 pages.
word count: 8331 which is equivalent to 33 standard pages of text