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Software in Bridge

The computer is becoming an essential tool to hone your skill and practice particular deals, techniques and other aspects of the bridge game. You can go back and play the same deal again and get at the same time expert advice along with it.

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Eric Kokish & Beverly Kraft
Modern American Bidding by Eric Kokish & Beverly Kraft

Eric Kokish and Beverly Kraft, two of the world's leading bidding theoreticians, writers, teachers and international coaches, with impressive playing credentials, present a cohesive system with treatments aimed at improving constructive Standard American bidding based on their version of the Two over One system.

Based on mainstream American methods (strong notrumps, five-card majors), Kokish-Kraft cover all areas of uncontested bidding and show you how to apply the agreements and treatments that comprise their version of modern Two over One. They offer solutions to difficult and subtle problems...


Audrey Grant & Fred Gitelman
Bridge Master 2000 - Audrey Grant Edition by Audrey Grant & Fred Gitelman

Bridge Master 2000 is an educational computer program that is certain to improve your declarer play technique. In this edition, Audrey Grant, North America's foremost bridge teacher, has designed 117 deals specifically for novices -- plus there are 60 more advanced deals.

This edition contains 177 bridge deals intended as an introductory course on play of the hand. Audrey Grant, North America's premier bridge teacher and best-selling bridge author, created 117 of these deals and wrote the text for the bridge movies in this edition. Audrey's 117 deals are all on Skill Level 1. The program...


Fred Gitelman
Bridge Master 2000 - Standard Edition by Fred Gitelman

Bridge Master 2000 is an educational computer program that is certain to improve your declarer play technique.

Bridge Master 2000 is a computer program for PC and PC compatible computers. The Standard Edition of Bridge Master 2000 and Audrey Grant's Better Bridge Edition of Bridge Master 2000 run on Windows 95 or better, have state of the art user interfaces, and come on CD-ROMs.

Bridge Master 2000 is an educational program for improving your declarer play skills. The program presents you with a series of instructional deals to play. You are always declarer. The deals that you play are not randomly dealt. They are carefully...

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 products)