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Gordon M. Howatt

Gordon M. Howatt

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Gordon M. Howatt
Let's Make Magic by Gordon M. Howatt

This is a compilation of three books:

  • Let's Make Magic (1st edition 1945)
  • Traveling Ghost
  • Restless Spook
Tricks to build in your home workshop. One big book tells you how to make all kinds of tricks, vanishes, productions, changes, liquid tricks, silk tricks, trick decks, levitation, jumbo card tricks, slate tricks, pocket tricks...Imagine! Fifty Tricks. Printed on large size pages to make it easy to study he plans. Simple tools are all you need to have all these new tricks for yourself.
  • The Art Studio Illusionette
  • Vibratory Deck
  • The Malcolm Blindfold
  • The Scintilating Spectre ...