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Hammanesque: Hot Ice 2
by Ken de Courcy


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Hammanesque: Hot Ice 2 by Ken de Courcy

In one of the New York Magic Symposium volumes there is a trick by Brother John Hamman entitled "The Lie-Detector Card Case". In it, he describes a truly brilliant-in-its-simplicity method for discovering a merely-thought-of card. Here is an alternative ending to it which, for me, makes it easier for larger audiences to see.


A spectator shuffles a pack of cards, then merely thinks of a card as the performer counts some over before his eyes. The cards are shuffled, then the performer shows the cards at the top and bottom of the pack; the selected card is not among them. Next, he introduces two paper plates and has them examined. They are placed together and the spectator is requested to mark the name of his card on the top plate. When he's done this, he separates the plates - and finds his card between them.

1st edition 1985, 8 pages; PDF 5 pages.
word count: 1084 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text

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