Bro. John Hamman
(St. Louis, Missouri: 3rd September 1927 - 5th December 2000)
Brother of Society of Mary. Learned at age 25 while recovering from polio. Famous amateur cardman since having been publicized in 1958 by Paul LePaul. Highly and subtly creative, he invented the Final Ace (1953), the Hamman Count (1958), Homing Card (1959), Micro Macro (1959), Fan-To-See (by 1964), Hal-Deuce-Ination (by 1966), Flushtration Count (by 1969), Gemini Count (1974), Blushing Joker, etc. 1981 AMA Creative Fellowship.
See Paul LePaul, LePaul Presents the Card Magic of Bro. John Hamman, S.M. [1958, 47pp]; Stephen Minch, Seven Deadly Miracles (1984, 37pp); and Richard Kaufman, The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (1989, 252pp). Tricks in Apocalypse, Pallbearers, Epilogue, Magic, MUM, etc. 1 video (1991).
Coauthors: Paul LePaul