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Harry Price

Harry Price

(Shrewsbury-Salop, England: 17th February 1881 - 29th March 1948).

Famous professional psychic researcher. Magic collector. Presented his fine collection of books on magic and psychic phenomena to the London University Library in 1936.

Wrote several major books on psychic phenomena, including Revelations of a Spirit Medium (1922, as co-editor with Eric J. Dingwall), Short Title Catalogue (1929), Rudi Schneider (1930, 239pp), Leaves from a Psychist's Case-Book (1933), Supplement to Short Title Catalogue (1935), The Haunting of Cashen's Gap (1936, 211pp, with Lambert), Confessions of a Ghost-Hunter (1936), 50 Years of Psychical Research (1939, 383pp), The Most Haunted House in England (1940, 255pp), Search for Truth (1942), Poltergeist over England (1945, 423pp), and The End of Borley Rectory (1946, 358pp).

Exposés of Price's own fraudulent writings on Borley Rectory are Dingwall, Goldney, and Hall, The Haunting of Borley Rectory (1955) and Trevor H. Hall, Search for Harry Price (1978). Bio is Paul Tabori, Harry Price: The Biography of a Ghost-hunter (1950, 316pp); Tabori and Underwood, The Ghosts of Borley (1973, 240pp).

Coauthors: Eric J. Dingwall

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Harry Price & Eric J. Dingwall
Spiritism Bibliography and Glossary by Harry Price & Eric J. Dingwall

From the introduction:

The following bibliography is intended to offer a representative selection of books and articles which throw some light upon the fraudulent aspect of psychic phenomena. In making our selection we have been guided rather by a desire to help the student than to compile a catalogue which would be of interest to bibliographers. In some cases we have included works, which, although not dealing directly with fraudulent methods, present detailed descriptions of alleged physical phenomena which can hardly fail to be of interest, whilst in others we have inserted books containing...