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Henry Dircks

Henry Dircks

(Liverpool: 26th August 1806 - Brighton: 17th September 1873)

Henry Dircks was an English engineer and author who invented what later became known as Pepper's Ghost due to John Henry Pepper's improvements and successful staging of the illusion. He was conducting railway, canal, and mining works, and later consulted on engineering questions. He investigated technologies and invented new devices, taking out several patents. He eventually became a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

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Henry Dircks
The Ghost by Henry Dircks

As produced in the spectre drama, popularly illustrating the marvellous optical illusions obtained by the apparatus called the Dircksian Phantasmagoria being a full account of its history, construction, and various adaptations.

Henry Dircks was the first who came up with the stage illusions that later became known as Pepper's Ghost. He had an arrangement with Pepper, they took out a patent in both their names, and Dircks did not want any monetary remuneration for it. John Henry Pepper improved the configuration to make it more practical and successfully staged it earning quite a lot of money with it. However,...