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Henry Meyer

Henry Meyer

(New York City: November 25th, 1859 - ?)

Reformed gambler. Born to German parents. Schooled until 13 years of age in the US. Then sent to Stuttgart, Germany, to learn architecture. Returned at 17 years old but changed his profession to become a commercial traveler and business owner. In 1884 he became a gambler and worked primarily in Europe. In 1893 he reformed and gave up gambling.

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Henry Meyer
Life Staked at Cards by Henry Meyer

A sketch of the life of Henry Meyer a converted gambler.

Henry Meyer was by his own account a very successful gambler who would play predominantly in Europe. One day he played against a young man and won all his money. Subsequently, that young man took his own life. At that point, Meyer realized that the young man was his younger brother. This charring experience made him give up gambling completely.

While I don't doubt that Meyer was a professional gambler who would later reform and give up gambling, the story with his brother rings a bit too fantastic. It is hard to believe that he and...