Learn about famous mediums, their tricks and methods, ectoplasm, slate writing, table lifting, spirit photography, rappings, ghosts, secretly obtaining information, and many other related subjects.
- Contents
- Preface
- Introduction by Dunninger
- Houdini - a biography
- Houdini's Spirit Exposés
- Certificates of Ordination
- This Medium Blew His Own Horn
- Houdini and the Reformed Medium
- Pierre Keeler
- Houdini on Ectoplasm
- Whoops Readers
- Eva C. and Ectoplasm
- Behind the Scenes
- The Price-Hope Case
- Houdini's Lectures
- The Bow Street Case
- Poor Pioneering Mumler
- Washington Irving Bishop
- The Easiest Way
- What Happens When A Really Ingenious Medium Gets Busy?
- Eusapia Palladino
- Eusapia Palladino and Her Séances
- A Palladino Séance
- O Tempora! O Mores!
- False Sleeves
- Packing Cases and Mediums
- Rope Tying
- Dr. Stansbury
- Ectoplasm Should Not Come Too Close
- Dancing Lights
- The Phosphorus Star
- An Investigation At Lily Dale
- Harry Kellar and Rappings
- Katie King
- Raps Enough To Spare
- Between Friends
- Table Rapping and Tipping
- This Ghost Was Caught Red-Handed
- The Armistice Day Hoax
- Houdini On The Trail Again
- The Davenport Brothers
- Davenport's Standpoint on Spiritualism
- Ladislaus Laszlo
- Those Mischievous Scientists
- Mrs. Mary Williams
- How to Become a Clairvoyant
- Onions
- The Cock Lane Mystery
- Houdini and Anna Eva Fay
- Houdini's Impromptu Séance
- Mr. Henry A. Slade
- Moulded Spirit Forms
- M. Buguet And His Photos
- The Sealed Letter Performances
- Houdini Suggests A Little Table Lifting
- Witchcraft
- Spirit Photographs From Borrowed Plates
- An Act In The New York State Senate
- A Controversy
- Concerning Margery
- Yost And His Typewriter
- Many Methods Of Getting Information
- Spirit Paintings and Anne O'Delia Diss Debar
- The Mysterious Light
- How Some Mediums Act
- How To Conduct A Darkroom Séance
- Steam
- Poor But Honest
- Some Sidelights On Ectoplasm
- Home-Made Ghosts
- Houdini Poses With The Spirits
- Dunninger - a biography
- Dunninger's Psychical Investigations
- Madam Vesta
- A Simple Diamond Trick
- How Thelma Mason Gets Needed Information
- A Simple Little Trick
- Table Lifting
- A Colored Mystic and Slate Reading Effect
- Table Lifting with False Hands
- Mrs. Brockman - The Materializing Medium
- Slate Writing
- Another Form of Slate Writing
- Raps in a Sealed Bottle
- Materializations
- Another Trumpet Trick
- Slate Writing Via Phonograph
- Mrs. Stewart and "Flower" Writing
- More Slate Writing
- Materializations in a Lighted Room
- Cleverness and Wax Hands
- Unintentional Glorification
- A Friendly Battle Between Dr. Ford and the Magicians
- Spirit Photography
- Dunninger and the Spirits
- Mrs. Houdini
- Hylan and Mindreading
- Thurston and Dunninger
- The Fox Sisters
- Convincing Skeptics
- Automatic Writing
- Slates
- How Reaching Rod is Used
- Our Spiritualistic Investigations
- The Message Trend
1st edition 1928, 112 pages.
word count: 80192 which is equivalent to 320 standard pages of text