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How To Make Money with a Magic Show
by Alfred W. Ellis


(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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How To Make Money with a Magic Show by Alfred W. Ellis

This informative handbook provides expert, proven advice for booking and presenting a financially successful one-person traveling theater or school assembly magic show.

Not only that, but the author goes on to provide his exact patter for 25 standard effects as used in his program. This is an act that you, too, can present yourself. The emphasis is on performing for youngsters, and the author reveals why this age group is a financial gold mine for the alert performer.

Here's a quick look at what's included:

  • A brief resumé of the author's career and experience in the booking and performance field.
  • How to locate and rent the ideal theater or performance venue.
  • The reason behind offering prizes to help ticket sales and increase anticipation.
  • How to handle a noisy audience.
  • Proven methods to advertise the show.
  • Saving money on printing costs.
  • An alternative to hiring the venue that leaves no risk of ticket income not meeting the hall expenses.
  • Daytime vs. evening performances.
  • Business license considerations.
  • Effects to use in the act, especially for younger audiences.
  • And the "gold" for many performers: the aforementioned audience-tested patter.

Covers virtually every aspect of making a living by performing within a reasonable driving distance from your home or office.

1st edition 1946, PDF 36 pages.
word count: 12499 which is equivalent to 49 standard pages of text