(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This is to certify that on December 4, 1974 at the Sumter County Jail, the Amazing Randi was fastened in two pair of regulation police handcuffs (double-locked) and one pair of special-issue handcuffs with pin-tumbler locks plus a pair of ratchet leg-irons, and then locked into a maximum-security jail cell. Within thirteen minutes, without assistance of any kind, Randi freed himself, walking out of the jail cell minus the handcuffs and leg-irons, all to the popular acclaim of the several people gathered at the jail. This was Randi's 28th jail break.
Randi was a great addition to our Crime Prevention Week and the performance at the Little Theatre were enjoyed by a full house at each performance. We look forward to having the Amazing Randi visit us again.
Respectfully submitted, I. Byrd Parnell, Sheriff
runtime 1 hour
Publisher: Martin Breese
Magic & Mentalism / Illusions, Escape & Stage
Magic & Mentalism / Audio / Martin Breese Audio